  • Taredhel
  • The Taredhel (means "people of the stars" in elven) are direct decendants of the Eldar, although it is implied that they served their masters as ministers rather than librarians. However, instead of settling on Kelewan, they followed a portal to the planet of Andcardia and made their home there. With them they took saplings of trees found in the meditation glade in Elvandar, which they call stars. According to Taredhel lore, these trees are the foundation of their magic. Without these trees, the taredhel would slowly die.
  • The Taredhel (means "people of the stars" in elven) are direct decendants of the Eldar, although it is implied that they served their masters as ministers rather than librarians. However, instead of settling on Kelewan, they followed a portal to the planet of Andcardia and made their home there. With them they took saplings of trees found in the meditation glade in Elvandar, which they call stars. According to Taredhel lore, these trees are the foundation of their magic. Without these trees, the taredhel would slowly die.