  • Styly boje
  • Zaklínači wield two swords, but only one at a time so that their other hand is free for the casting of znamení. Generally speaking, the Stříbrný meč is more effective against anything supernatural; vlkodlak, ifrít, upíři, přeludy... And ocelový meč is more useful against mutanti and humanoids. Ve hře Zaklínač, even though there are nominally three different fighting styly, there are also differences between the styly depending on whether you're wielding ocel or stříbro.
  • Zaklínači wield two swords, but only one at a time so that their other hand is free for the casting of znamení. Generally speaking, the Stříbrný meč is more effective against anything supernatural; vlkodlak, ifrít, upíři, přeludy... And ocelový meč is more useful against mutanti and humanoids. Ve hře Zaklínač, even though there are nominally three different fighting styly, there are also differences between the styly depending on whether you're wielding ocel or stříbro.