  • Abyormen
  • Abyormen orbits a small red dwarf star known by the natives as Theer. Each Abyormen year (its rotation period around Theer) is very short, lasting no more than about 28 Earth days. Theer, in turn, is in a highly elliptical orbit around a massive blue star called Arren by the natives and Alcyone by Humans. Every 65 Earth years, the planet and its red sun are brought close enough to the blue giant for a drastic climatic change to begin: the "cold" creatures die, leaving reproductive spores either on soil or (more commonly) in the bodies of the "hot" creatures which are starting to emerge, born from spores their ancestors had in turn laid in the bodies of the "cold" creatures. It is a complex symbiotic cycle going on since 10 million years ago (see the natural history section below). During t
  • Abyormen orbits a small red dwarf star known by the natives as Theer. Each Abyormen year (its rotation period around Theer) is very short, lasting no more than about 28 Earth days. Theer, in turn, is in a highly elliptical orbit around a massive blue star called Arren by the natives and Alcyone by Humans. Every 65 Earth years, the planet and its red sun are brought close enough to the blue giant for a drastic climatic change to begin: the "cold" creatures die, leaving reproductive spores either on soil or (more commonly) in the bodies of the "hot" creatures which are starting to emerge, born from spores their ancestors had in turn laid in the bodies of the "cold" creatures. It is a complex symbiotic cycle going on since 10 million years ago (see the natural history section below). During the "hot" season, not only are the temperatures extremely high, but the atmosphere composition also changes, with thermophilic bacteria producing large quantities of nitrogen oxides. There is also a great increase in brightness, due to the proximity to the hot blue sun. The brightness is such, in fact, that sight becomes impossible, and the radially-symmetric "hot season Abyormenites" see by means of high-frequency sound waves. After 65 Earth years, this hot period ends and the "cold" one begins. The temperatures go down, the oceans return to their "normal" level and photosynthetic organisms restore the oxygen in the atmosphere. The "hot" creatures then die, the spores in their bodies giving rise to a new generation of "cold" creatures.