  • If Two Cats That Despised Each Other Stayed In A Room..
  • Hey! This is for Foggeh (ArcticFog~) She wanted me to do this a while back. Please suggest some more! Diamondstar: Why am I in this fanfiction? Gosh, I don't wanna be in a room with someone I hate.. (Diamondstar grabs sone V8.) Diamondstar: Wish me luck. (Diamondstar enters the room, to see Dewstar sitting there like a derp.) Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUGHH-this is getting old. I'm leaving.. (The doors are locked from the outside.) Diamondstar: Mouse-dung. Both: YAAY!
  • Hey! This is for Foggeh (ArcticFog~) She wanted me to do this a while back. Please suggest some more! Diamondstar: Why am I in this fanfiction? Gosh, I don't wanna be in a room with someone I hate.. (Diamondstar grabs sone V8.) Diamondstar: Wish me luck. (Diamondstar enters the room, to see Dewstar sitting there like a derp.) Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUUGHHH Dewstar: AUUGHHH Diamondstar: AUGHH-this is getting old. I'm leaving.. (The doors are locked from the outside.) Diamondstar: Mouse-dung. Random Cats: DEWI- (Diamondstar throws a brick at them.) Dewstar: Dear StarClan, why her? (Dewstar begins to cry.) Diamondstar: Dear StarClan, why him? (Diamondstar begins to cry.) Diamondstar: I'll be in that corner. (Diamondstar grabs her V8. Her eyes look over to something.) Dewstar: Cookies! :D (As Dewstar runs over to get them, they blow up in slow motion.) Diamondstar: What just happened..? o-e (Dewstar shrugs.) Diamondstar: I should be back in my house. Thank StarClan I didn't bring my journa-- (Dewstar takes her journal and begins to read it.) Diamondstar: I stand corrected. Dewstar: I KNOW IM TALKING TO MYSELF, BUT I FELT LIKE WRITING IN THIS BOOK. Diamondstar: What. Give that back. (It magically fades in Dewstars paw. As it fades, it makes a sparkly sound as it appears on the table.) Dewstar: What..? (They both look up to see a megaphone attached to the wall.) Megaphone: YOU TWO MUST GET ALONG TO GET OUT OF HERE. IF NOT, YOU WILL STAY HERE UNTIL YOU HAVE. (Dewstar blinks.) (Diamondstar has a 'DONT WANT' face.) Diamondstar: Yes, randommegaphoneattachedtothewall. Diamondstar: Oh, Dewstar, what can I do to help? :D Dewstar: One, quit being creepy. Two, I have no clue. (Dewstar walks away.) (Diamondstar begins to hold up signs that say;) Dewstar: I can hear you. Diamondstar: But you can't hear signs. (A cat that's floating and has Justin Bieber hair is above them.) Floating Cat: YOU GOTTA BELIEEVVEEEE (It flies away with lava coming out of its..behind. owo) Dewstar: Third time today.. (Dewstar goes to sit down somewhere while Diamondstar slips into a corner and plays her DS.) Megaphone: YOU'RE FREE Both: YAAY! (They both speed out of the room.) Megaphone: -takes off mask- Megaphone: Hehehe..I am Cherryfur. c: o Hope you liked it!