  • Genre Turning Point
  • While a Wham! Episode can change a single series forever... sometimes, something comes out that forever alters an entire genre. It wasn't the first entry into the genre, nor was it the last, but things were never the same after it came out. This often -- but far from exclusively -- happens with particularly notable Deconstructions; for example, superhero comics after Watchmen. If it does happen with a Deconstruction, it generally results in years' worth of both Darker and Edgier (and possibly Contemplate Our Navels) series in imitation... and Reconstruction series in response.
  • While a Wham! Episode can change a single series forever... sometimes, something comes out that forever alters an entire genre. It wasn't the first entry into the genre, nor was it the last, but things were never the same after it came out. This often -- but far from exclusively -- happens with particularly notable Deconstructions; for example, superhero comics after Watchmen. If it does happen with a Deconstruction, it generally results in years' worth of both Darker and Edgier (and possibly Contemplate Our Navels) series in imitation... and Reconstruction series in response. However, it doesn't always have to be a Deconstruction. Some shows, such as Sailor Moon, can radically redefine a genre without taking it apart. Compare Wham! Episode, From Clones to Genre, Follow the Leader. Good chance of being a Trope Maker or Trope Codifier. Examples of Genre Turning Point include: