  • Stone of Miracles
  • A legendary stoneKain has a lead that the mystical Stone of Miracles is in Septem Cave and puts a request in to Theater Vancoor for them to send someone out to retrieve it. One fight with a Trap Octopus later and Jack has himself a supposed Stone of Miracles. It isn't, of course, but Kain still tells Jack to keep it. Something about the gods telling him that the stone is part of Jack's destiny. The Stone of Miracles turns into the Orb at this point.
  • A legendary stoneKain has a lead that the mystical Stone of Miracles is in Septem Cave and puts a request in to Theater Vancoor for them to send someone out to retrieve it. One fight with a Trap Octopus later and Jack has himself a supposed Stone of Miracles. It isn't, of course, but Kain still tells Jack to keep it. Something about the gods telling him that the stone is part of Jack's destiny. The Stone of Miracles turns into the Orb at this point.