  • Kingfishers
  • The Kingfisher were a common fish-eating bird in Middle-earth. They were bright blue with a broad beak and yellow breast. Kingfishers were originally called the King's fisher, as they, like swans, were royal animals. Several Eldarin words for the bird are known as well: in Quenya, it was called halatir, from the roots skal and tir, meaning 'fishwatcher'. Noldorin had a similar word: heledirn.
  • The smallest of Endor's fisherfowl, the kingfisher was also the most attractive. It had a large, silvery bill and silver, blue, orange and white feathers. The kingfisher's riverbank home belied its beauty, though, for it was little more than a dirty hole full of old fish bones and rotting mess. Besides fish, the kingfisher preyed on insects, centipedes, and small lizards and amphibians.
  • The Kingfisher were a common fish-eating bird in Middle-earth. They were bright blue with a broad beak and yellow breast. Kingfishers were originally called the King's fisher, as they, like swans, were royal animals. Several Eldarin words for the bird are known as well: in Quenya, it was called halatir, from the roots skal and tir, meaning 'fishwatcher'. Noldorin had a similar word: heledirn.
  • The smallest of Endor's fisherfowl, the kingfisher was also the most attractive. It had a large, silvery bill and silver, blue, orange and white feathers. The kingfisher's riverbank home belied its beauty, though, for it was little more than a dirty hole full of old fish bones and rotting mess. Besides fish, the kingfisher preyed on insects, centipedes, and small lizards and amphibians.