  • Caislin
  • Appearing about sixteen summers, Caislin is of average height and unremarkable build. Soft brown hair falls to her shoulders and glints golden in the sunlight. Typically reserved, when she speaks her voice is soft but firm and her words plain.
  • Appearing about sixteen summers, Caislin is of average height and unremarkable build. Soft brown hair falls to her shoulders and glints golden in the sunlight. Typically reserved, when she speaks her voice is soft but firm and her words plain. On the infrequent occasions she wears her worgen form in public, it is lithe and wiry. Brown-black fur covers her body, and her dark, shaggy mane falls in her eyes. When running or fighting her movements are sleek and graceful... but when standing still, she frequently shifts awkwardly from one paw to the other, as though not entirely comfortable in her own skin.