  • Grom'gol Base Camp
  • Grom'gol Base Camp
  • This location page is devoid of information! Please fill her up with some useful server-related information, but don't forget to check other pages for clues on apropriate structuring!
  • Grom'Gol Base Camp is an Orcish camp built in Stranglethorn Vale, to the north of Booty Bay, a neutral port of goblins and pirates. It is named in the honor of Grom Hellscream, an orc hero. This city is heavily strengthened to be able to guard against Jungle Trolls, Naga, and the many members of the Alliance who arrive from Booty Bay and Duskwood. * PvP server note: Beware, this camp is in a contested area. Stealthed Alliance players will occasionally sneak past the guards... Also, high-level Alliance players enjoy killing the level 65 guards there.
  • This location page is devoid of information! Please fill her up with some useful server-related information, but don't forget to check other pages for clues on apropriate structuring!
  • Grom'Gol Base Camp is an Orcish camp built in Stranglethorn Vale, to the north of Booty Bay, a neutral port of goblins and pirates. It is named in the honor of Grom Hellscream, an orc hero. This city is heavily strengthened to be able to guard against Jungle Trolls, Naga, and the many members of the Alliance who arrive from Booty Bay and Duskwood. * PvP server note: Beware, this camp is in a contested area. Stealthed Alliance players will occasionally sneak past the guards... Also, high-level Alliance players enjoy killing the level 65 guards there.
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