  • Hadad
  • Hadad is a man who appeared in "Fallout".
  • Haddad (Ugaritic πŽ…πŽ„πŽ† Haddu) was a northwest Semitic storm and rain god, cognate in name and origin with the Akkadian god Adad. Hadad was often called simply Baβ€˜al (Lord), but this title was also used for other gods. Hadad was equated with the Anatolian storm-god Teshub, the Egyptian god Set, the Greek god Zeus, and the Roman god Jupiter.
  • When King David's army defeated the Edomites, Hadad, a prince of Edom, escaped to Egypt. There "Hadad found great favor in the sight of the Pharaoh", who gave him both land and a house, allowance for food, and the hand of his wife's sister in marriage. After King David died, Hadad became an enemy of King Solomon. The name Hadad means "thunderer."
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  • Hadad
  • show
  • Male
  • Omid Zader- .
  • Hadad is a man who appeared in "Fallout".
  • Haddad (Ugaritic πŽ…πŽ„πŽ† Haddu) was a northwest Semitic storm and rain god, cognate in name and origin with the Akkadian god Adad. Hadad was often called simply Baβ€˜al (Lord), but this title was also used for other gods. Hadad was equated with the Anatolian storm-god Teshub, the Egyptian god Set, the Greek god Zeus, and the Roman god Jupiter.
  • When King David's army defeated the Edomites, Hadad, a prince of Edom, escaped to Egypt. There "Hadad found great favor in the sight of the Pharaoh", who gave him both land and a house, allowance for food, and the hand of his wife's sister in marriage. After King David died, Hadad became an enemy of King Solomon. The name Hadad means "thunderer."