  • United Systems
  • The United Systems was formed in 2202 as a result of the unification of the United Americas, the European Union, the United Kingdom, China, Heelal Yo and four independent Core System colonies.
  • The United Systems (US) was an intergalactic organization whose stated aims were facilitating intergalactic law, intergalactic security, economic development, social progress, human and alien rights, and maintaining peace throughout the galaxy. The US was founded in 9 ABY after the Galactic Civil War to replace the Planetary Alliance, which was a puppet organization controlled by the Empire, and had failed to stop the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War.
  • The United Systems was formed in 2202 as a result of the unification of the United Americas, the European Union, the United Kingdom, China, Heelal Yo and four independent Core System colonies.
  • The United Systems (US) was an intergalactic organization whose stated aims were facilitating intergalactic law, intergalactic security, economic development, social progress, human and alien rights, and maintaining peace throughout the galaxy. The US was founded in 9 ABY after the Galactic Civil War to replace the Planetary Alliance, which was a puppet organization controlled by the Empire, and had failed to stop the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. There were 337 member states, including every sovereign state in the galaxy except for Ryloth and the New Trade Federation. From its offices around the galaxy, Rishi Maze, and the other satellite galaxies, the US and its main specialized agencies (General Assembly Council, Security Council, War Council, Economic and Social Council, Children Fund, Trusteeship Council, Galactic Health Council, and Galactic Food Council) decided on administrative and substantive issues in regular meeting held throughout the year. An emergency meeting could be called if thirty, or more, member states agreed to hold it. The organization was funded by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states. It had eight official languages: Galactic Basic, Bithian, Rodian, Gunganese, High Galactic, Bocce, Durese, and Binary.