  • Uranian salad dressing
  • Uranian salad dressing was a topping for salads. In 2270, Uranian salad dressing was served at a diplomatic conference at Paragon Colony. Captain James T. Kirk found this dressing to be rather bland, which he suspected was the result of the colony's genetically-engineered population overcompensating for their visitor's unengineered palates. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)
  • Uranian salad dressing was a topping for salads. In 2270, Uranian salad dressing was served at a diplomatic conference at Paragon Colony. Captain James T. Kirk found this dressing to be rather bland, which he suspected was the result of the colony's genetically-engineered population overcompensating for their visitor's unengineered palates. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)