  • Deep Ocean Surveyor
  • The vehicle first appears piloted by two people on an expedition to map the Mariana Trench. Their employer is supposedly a company called XN. When they suddenly stumble across the remains of the TV-21, the first Thunderbird prototype, their submarine suffers a malfunction and shuts down. International Rescue are alerted, and Gordon and Virgil Tracy are dispatched in Thunderbird 2 and Thunderbird 4. Meanwhile, Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward and Parker are investigating a seemingly abandoned warehouse only to discover one of the Mechanic's workshops. They then send the collected data to Brains who, much to his horror, figures out that the Surveyor and XN were made by the Mechanic. Upon the realisation, the latter takes remote control of the Surveyor and ambushes Thunderbird 4 who is on the sce
  • The vehicle first appears piloted by two people on an expedition to map the Mariana Trench. Their employer is supposedly a company called XN. When they suddenly stumble across the remains of the TV-21, the first Thunderbird prototype, their submarine suffers a malfunction and shuts down. International Rescue are alerted, and Gordon and Virgil Tracy are dispatched in Thunderbird 2 and Thunderbird 4. Meanwhile, Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward and Parker are investigating a seemingly abandoned warehouse only to discover one of the Mechanic's workshops. They then send the collected data to Brains who, much to his horror, figures out that the Surveyor and XN were made by the Mechanic. Upon the realisation, the latter takes remote control of the Surveyor and ambushes Thunderbird 4 who is on the scene. Despite putting up a good fight, Gordon is forced to evacuate his submarine and Thunderbird 4 is crushed. Gordon manages to escape the ship's grip and decides to use the TV-21 to propel the Surveyor to the surface to rescue the two crew members who are running out of air. Though the plan works and the crew saved, the Surveyor suddenly turns into an aircraft and flies off with the TV-21.