  • Hat-Stalk (WR)
  • A Hat-Stalk is the term for a rare occasion wherein the sorting hat will attempt to force a student to change their mind about their sorting. This occurs when the hat comes close to the more benign Hat-Stall, but has a slight preference toward one house, where the student has more of a preference toward the other. The hat will initially concede, but then violently stalk the student in question until they change their mind.
  • A Hat-Stalk is the term for a rare occasion wherein the sorting hat will attempt to force a student to change their mind about their sorting. This occurs when the hat comes close to the more benign Hat-Stall, but has a slight preference toward one house, where the student has more of a preference toward the other. The hat will initially concede, but then violently stalk the student in question until they change their mind. This only usually occurs once a century, but happened on two occasions during the 20th century. It affects only pure-bloods, and usually tries to pressure the student into Slytherin. The hat is unaware it does this.