  • No Child Left Behind
  • The NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Law was created with good intentions but lack of funding and over-emphasis on test results have caused quite a backlash. However, with NCLB, each child is ensured a quality education. Test results have risen from previous years because of the emphasis that every child can learn. NCLB with its good intentions, has also taken away some of the creativity of teachers. Teachable moments have gone by the wayside so that the material covered in state-wide tests is covered.
  • Just like the promise of the law, this article is nearly empty. Until lazy liberal educators figure out a way to implement the President's plan without adequate funding, the declining knowledge of America's children is their fault. See: Republican Base.
  • The evolution of the destructive toddler begins as far back as the Stone Age, when regular children underwent a mutation that made them suppresively violent, cruel, and removed their Potty Training from their minds completely. The survival tactic of being able to pee and throw up on everything is apparently critical to the survival of the todlerus species.
  • The evolution of the destructive toddler begins as far back as the Stone Age, when regular children underwent a mutation that made them suppresively violent, cruel, and removed their Potty Training from their minds completely. The survival tactic of being able to pee and throw up on everything is apparently critical to the survival of the todlerus species. After a while, they became stronger, more cunning, and extremely prone to destruction. They cannot be held in a single place for too long, unless the place happens to be well-insured against toddler-based home damage. They become extremely irritable, because they want their candy NOW! The final evolutionary adaptation was a resourcefulness to use regular toys from Fisher-Price as weapons of torture and destruction.
  • The NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Law was created with good intentions but lack of funding and over-emphasis on test results have caused quite a backlash. However, with NCLB, each child is ensured a quality education. Test results have risen from previous years because of the emphasis that every child can learn. NCLB with its good intentions, has also taken away some of the creativity of teachers. Teachable moments have gone by the wayside so that the material covered in state-wide tests is covered.
  • Just like the promise of the law, this article is nearly empty. Until lazy liberal educators figure out a way to implement the President's plan without adequate funding, the declining knowledge of America's children is their fault. See: Republican Base.
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