  • Shadows lie black in the moonish light
  • From: [[]] From your left, and then ahead of you, you hear a clicking whistle. Devils, out for an evening's sport. Have you done something to attract their attention? Or were you just unlucky? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A game of cat-and-mouse
Failure title
  • A nasty beating
  • 42
Failure description
  • […] you're surrounded by smiling devils. […] a blow from behind sends you reeling. […] You regain consciousness in the street outside the Brass Embassy. The devils are gone, taking their share of any souls you might be carrying. […]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Ambition: Nemesis 9 - Forgotten Quarter
Success description
  • […] you're surrounded by smiling devils. […] they pursue you in and out of the ruins of broken temples and palaces […] Finally you knock off a devil's hat! He gives an anguished cry […] You take the opportunity to slip away, deeper into the Quarter.
  • From your left, and then ahead of you, you hear a clicking whistle. Devils, out for an evening's sport. Have you done something to attract their attention? Or were you just unlucky?
  • From: [[]] From your left, and then ahead of you, you hear a clicking whistle. Devils, out for an evening's sport. Have you done something to attract their attention? Or were you just unlucky? [Find the rest of the story at ]