  • Julian Assange
  • Julian Assange
  • Julian Assange
  • Known as St. Julian or Julian the Grand Stander, the white-haired Truth Crusader is fighting an attempt by the British and their allies to export him to the USA via Sweden to answer for pontificating about the evils of the US government. There is also an accusation that he performed unsafe Internet access with a classified smorgasbord whilst visiting Ikea and bad-mouthing ABBA.
  • While he has faced heavy criticism for his good work, even from some liberals, he has also gotten support for individuals such as liberal m Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore who even paid for his bail, and even the Libertarian Republican Congressman Ron Paul is on his side.
  • Julian Assange (Townsville, 1971 in data sconosciuta - vivo, ancora per poco) è un Troll informatico australiano della peggior specie che è riuscito nell'eroica impresa di provocare, nelle mutande dei maggiori governanti del Globo terrestre, quel fenomeno definito dagli esperti col nome di Strisciata.
  • Julian Paul Assange (Image:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgi /sɑːnʒ/ ə-SAHNZH; born 3 July 1971) is an Australian journalist, publisher and Internet activist. He is best known as the spokesperson and editor in chief for WikiLeaks, a whistleblower website. Before working with the website, he was a physics and mathematics student as well as a computer programmer. He has lived in several countries and has told reporters he is constantly on the move. He makes irregular public appearances to speak about freedom of the press, censorship, and investigative reporting; he has also won three journalism awards for his work with WikiLeaks.
  • 30
Birth Date
  • 1971-07-03
  • 5584764
  • 2012-10-04
  • Assange, Julian
  • Julian Assange
  • Assange in 2010
Alternative Names
  • Assange, Julian Paul
Birth Place
  • Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Image size
  • 230
Place of Birth
  • Townsville, Queensland, Australia
  • Daniel Assange
  • Editor-in-chief and spokesperson for WikiLeaks
Date of Birth
  • 1971
Short Description
  • Australian journalist, programmer and Internet activist
  • Australian
  • Julian Paul Assange (Image:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgiImage:Speakerlink.svgi /sɑːnʒ/ ə-SAHNZH; born 3 July 1971) is an Australian journalist, publisher and Internet activist. He is best known as the spokesperson and editor in chief for WikiLeaks, a whistleblower website. Before working with the website, he was a physics and mathematics student as well as a computer programmer. He has lived in several countries and has told reporters he is constantly on the move. He makes irregular public appearances to speak about freedom of the press, censorship, and investigative reporting; he has also won three journalism awards for his work with WikiLeaks. Assange founded the controversial WikiLeaks website in 2006 and serves on its advisory board. In this capacity, he has been involved in the publication of material documenting extrajudicial killings in Kenya, a report of toxic waste dumping on the African coast, Church of Scientology manuals, Guantanamo Bay procedures, and material involving large banks such as Kaupthing and Julius Baer among other documents. He has recently received widespread public attention for the publication of classified material from WikiLeaks documenting details about the involvement of the United States in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. On 28 November 2010, WikiLeaks and its five media partners began publishing the United States diplomatic cables leak. According to The Guardian, this has placed Assange "at the centre of intense media speculation and a hate campaign against him in America". On 30 November 2010, Interpol placed Assange on its red notice list of wanted persons; concomitantly, a European Arrest Warrant was issued for him. He is wanted for questioning on suspicion of "sex crimes"; it is reported that while having consensual sex his condom broke and he either did not disclose the breakage to his partner or continued after his partner asked him to stop. He has not been formally charged with any crime. Mark Stephens, a British legal representative of Assange, said "It is highly irregular and unusual for the Swedish authorities to issue a red notice in the teeth of the undisputed fact that Mr Assange has agreed to meet voluntarily to answer the prosecutor's questions".
  • Julian Assange (Townsville, 1971 in data sconosciuta - vivo, ancora per poco) è un Troll informatico australiano della peggior specie che è riuscito nell'eroica impresa di provocare, nelle mutande dei maggiori governanti del Globo terrestre, quel fenomeno definito dagli esperti col nome di Strisciata. È noto per essere il membro più famoso dello staff redazionale del sito Wikileaks e per essere il più famoso clochard al Mondo, nonché il principale bersaglio dei servizi segreti dei Governi Occidentali. Senza fissa dimora, recentemente ha soggiornato in un carcere britannico con l'accusa di non portare le mutande quando indossa i jeans, cosa che contravviene ai principali dogmi della pudicizia morale anglo-sassone. Il Sindaco di Firenze Matteo Renzi l'ha definito in tempi non sospetti un gran Buc-h-aiolo.
  • Known as St. Julian or Julian the Grand Stander, the white-haired Truth Crusader is fighting an attempt by the British and their allies to export him to the USA via Sweden to answer for pontificating about the evils of the US government. There is also an accusation that he performed unsafe Internet access with a classified smorgasbord whilst visiting Ikea and bad-mouthing ABBA.
  • While he has faced heavy criticism for his good work, even from some liberals, he has also gotten support for individuals such as liberal m Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore who even paid for his bail, and even the Libertarian Republican Congressman Ron Paul is on his side.