  • Samuel Chodosh
  • Can't we do better? I met Lynn Swann at the country music festival Downtown, and asked him the question that's been on my mind. I asked if he had ever been elected to anything. The answer was eighth-grade homeroom president. Perfect qualification for governor. By the way, I'm not an Ed Rendell supporter either. He seems to be a lifelong politician so beholden to special interests that the people are a minor concern, if at all. Is this the best we can do? SAMUEL CHODOSH, Squirrel Hill
  • Can't we do better? I met Lynn Swann at the country music festival Downtown, and asked him the question that's been on my mind. I asked if he had ever been elected to anything. The answer was eighth-grade homeroom president. Perfect qualification for governor. By the way, I'm not an Ed Rendell supporter either. He seems to be a lifelong politician so beholden to special interests that the people are a minor concern, if at all. Is this the best we can do? I'm afraid with all the hostility and negativity around politics and politicians, it may be. Who in his right mind would want to expose himself or herself to being slimed by groups supporting the opponent? SAMUEL CHODOSH, Squirrel Hill