  • MT Framework
  • MT Framework is an exclusive seventh generation game engine built to be used with "all of the Capcom next-generation games" on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (and later on the Wii and the Nintendo 3DS), as commented by Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Devil May Cry 4, and Resident Evil 5. MT stands for "Multi-Thread", "Meta Tools" and "Multi-Target". Originally meant to be an outside engine, but none matched their specific requirements in performance and flexibility. Games using the MT Framework are originally developed on the PC and then ported to the other 2 platforms. Keiji Inafune mentioned in an interview with 1UP that the lead programmer for MT Framework designed the engine specifically for Dead Rising, Lost Planet, and Mega Man Legends 3, which Inafune has been hoping to make for several y
  • MT Framework is an exclusive seventh generation game engine built to be used with "all of the Capcom next-generation games" on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (and later on the Wii and the Nintendo 3DS), as commented by Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Devil May Cry 4, and Resident Evil 5. MT stands for "Multi-Thread", "Meta Tools" and "Multi-Target". Originally meant to be an outside engine, but none matched their specific requirements in performance and flexibility. Games using the MT Framework are originally developed on the PC and then ported to the other 2 platforms. Keiji Inafune mentioned in an interview with 1UP that the lead programmer for MT Framework designed the engine specifically for Dead Rising, Lost Planet, and Mega Man Legends 3, which Inafune has been hoping to make for several years. MT Framework 2.0, which was first introduced with Lost Planet 2, provides better visuals over its predecessor.
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