  • 4000
  • 4000
  • Um das Jahr 4000 gründen die Dalek auf dem Planeten Kembel eine Allianz mit sechs Planeten der äußeren Galaxien, um die Erde und andere Planeten der Milchstraße zu erobern. Der SSS-Agent Marc Cory kommt dahinter und will eine Warnung an die Erde schicken, wird jedoch von den Dalek getötet. (Mission to the Unknown) Ca. ein halbes Jahr später verbündet sich der Wächter des Sonnensystems, Mavic Chen, mit den Dalek. (The Daleks' Master Plan)
  • 4000 is a year in which events of Futurama are set. However, this year is a year unlike 2008.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In the year 4000, the Daleks held a meeting with representatives from seven outer galaxies to plot the invasion and overthrow of human-occupied space. (TV: Mission to the Unknown) Six months later, the First Doctor became involved with the Space Security Service's investigation into the Daleks, Mavic Chen and the Time Destructor. This culminated in the destruction of Kembel. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan) The Great War began in the wake of this event. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks)
  • 4000
  • 4037
  • 3998
  • 3050
  • 4000
  • 10000
  • Jahr
  • Um das Jahr 4000 gründen die Dalek auf dem Planeten Kembel eine Allianz mit sechs Planeten der äußeren Galaxien, um die Erde und andere Planeten der Milchstraße zu erobern. Der SSS-Agent Marc Cory kommt dahinter und will eine Warnung an die Erde schicken, wird jedoch von den Dalek getötet. (Mission to the Unknown) Ca. ein halbes Jahr später verbündet sich der Wächter des Sonnensystems, Mavic Chen, mit den Dalek. (The Daleks' Master Plan)
  • 4000 is a year in which events of Futurama are set. However, this year is a year unlike 2008.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In the year 4000, the Daleks held a meeting with representatives from seven outer galaxies to plot the invasion and overthrow of human-occupied space. (TV: Mission to the Unknown) Six months later, the First Doctor became involved with the Space Security Service's investigation into the Daleks, Mavic Chen and the Time Destructor. This culminated in the destruction of Kembel. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan) The Great War began in the wake of this event. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks) After the death of Mavic Chen, a dynasty of his descendants slowly transformed the relatively democratic Galactic Federation into a new incarnation of the old Earth Empire, which had fallen approximately nine hundred years earlier. (PROSE: The Crystal Bucephalus) The Fourth Doctor, Leela and Charlotte Willis visited the year again. However, the Doctor remarked that he had previously visited this time period and he believed that history had been altered. In this timeline, Earth was invaded by the Pantophagen due to Jalnik's time travel experiments. However, the Doctor prevented them from ever coming to Earth in the first place. (AUDIO: The Foe from the Future)
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