  • Ariella Lavizsia
  • Ariella Lavizsia was born in the 27839 year of the Sixth Age on the planet Jacowitz. The only child of Laksmono and Kaelyne, Ariella grew up in the knowledge that she would grow up to rule over the planet. When she was 16, the Sontarans attempted to take over her planet, only to be defeated by The Doctor and his companion, Rose Tyler. Ariella then went on to travel with the pair for a few weeks before returning home.
  • Ariella Lavizsia was born in the 27839 year of the Sixth Age on the planet Jacowitz. The only child of Laksmono and Kaelyne, Ariella grew up in the knowledge that she would grow up to rule over the planet. When she was 16, the Sontarans attempted to take over her planet, only to be defeated by The Doctor and his companion, Rose Tyler. Ariella then went on to travel with the pair for a few weeks before returning home. 13 years later, she met the Doctor once more. This time he was travelling with Donna Noble, and they helped to defeat an invasion by the Terileptils. During the Terileptil invasion, Ariella's father was killed. During her coronation, in a heated conversation with the Doctor, Ariella developed a method of using her psychic ability to write on the Doctor's psychic paper when she needed help.