  • Nigerian Cuisine
  • The cuisine of Nigeria has its roots in the ancient times when food was much related to art, traditions and culture. The earliest Nigerians were the Nok people and along the course of time suffered Portuguese invasions as well as British ones. Nigerian slaves brought to America, influenced the cuisine in minor ways, one of them being the fufu, a stiff cornmeal or yam mush, directly related to cornmeal. On the other hand, foreign influences were not that great on the Nigerian cuisine, and can be seen as details and spices added to already settled exotic dishes. Some of the ingredients influenced by European countries are the peppers, peanuts and corn. Original recipes inherited for centuries in the Nigerian cuisine, are rather grain-based, and many dishes are made from starch. Porridges and
  • The cuisine of Nigeria has its roots in the ancient times when food was much related to art, traditions and culture. The earliest Nigerians were the Nok people and along the course of time suffered Portuguese invasions as well as British ones. Nigerian slaves brought to America, influenced the cuisine in minor ways, one of them being the fufu, a stiff cornmeal or yam mush, directly related to cornmeal. On the other hand, foreign influences were not that great on the Nigerian cuisine, and can be seen as details and spices added to already settled exotic dishes. Some of the ingredients influenced by European countries are the peppers, peanuts and corn. Original recipes inherited for centuries in the Nigerian cuisine, are rather grain-based, and many dishes are made from starch. Porridges and ground millet, sorghum, teff, Barley and cassava flour are typically used in this cuisine. Today, in Nigeria there are estimated to be more than 250 ethnic groups that live together. There is no group that holds the absolute majority, but still four of them make up 60% of the population. These ethnic groups are: Hausa-Fulani in the north, Yoruba in the west and Igbo in the east. Chili food is very much appreciated, especially for seafood dishes, marinated in ginger, tomatoes and cayenne, and cooked in peanut oil. Other dishes combine fruit and vegetables, exotic game and ocean fish.