  • Mass Death
  • Mass death
  • Mass death (there is no official name for this event) was a hacker instigated event that occurred on the Draenor EU realm in early October 2012. Unlike the similar Corrupted Blood incident, this occurrence was purely an exploit and not related to intentional game mechanics gone wrong.
  • A real last resort kind of spell! Should all other ways of dealing with the caster's foe fail, if the party is surrounded by enemies ready to strike them down, then -- and only then -- should this spell be used. Once cast, it leeches on the life force of the caster and their companions, to create a literal wave of death. The end result is as amazing as it is horrible. All the foes in sight are instantly slaughtered. The huge dangers involved in this spell should be a warning, since it could easily cause the caster's death if already weakened!
  • --10-10
  •|desc=Videos: ‘World Of Warcraft’ Hackers Kill Thousands Of Players
  • Mass death (there is no official name for this event) was a hacker instigated event that occurred on the Draenor EU realm in early October 2012. Unlike the similar Corrupted Blood incident, this occurrence was purely an exploit and not related to intentional game mechanics gone wrong.
  • A real last resort kind of spell! Should all other ways of dealing with the caster's foe fail, if the party is surrounded by enemies ready to strike them down, then -- and only then -- should this spell be used. Once cast, it leeches on the life force of the caster and their companions, to create a literal wave of death. The end result is as amazing as it is horrible. All the foes in sight are instantly slaughtered. The huge dangers involved in this spell should be a warning, since it could easily cause the caster's death if already weakened!