  • Smoke Mirror of Tezcatlipoca
  • The mirror may only function as a portal when two of the same objects from each side, such as Zak Saturday and Zak Monday, are present near to the mirror. The anti-matter universe on the other side of the mirror is dark and dystopian where the Mondays are loathed as criminals. Everything functions as its parallel opposite: Zak Monday is cruel and psychotic, and boastful with it, Doc Monday is a brutish fool, Komodo Monday is an evil genius who can talk, and the Airship is powered by darkness, rather than sunlight.
  • The mirror may only function as a portal when two of the same objects from each side, such as Zak Saturday and Zak Monday, are present near to the mirror. The anti-matter universe on the other side of the mirror is dark and dystopian where the Mondays are loathed as criminals. Everything functions as its parallel opposite: Zak Monday is cruel and psychotic, and boastful with it, Doc Monday is a brutish fool, Komodo Monday is an evil genius who can talk, and the Airship is powered by darkness, rather than sunlight. The laws of matter and anti-matter function somewhat differently in the Saturday universe (though this may be the magic of the mirror affecting the science.) In reality, any form of anti-matter coming into contact with any form of positive matter causes instantaneous annihilation and a 100% energy yield (Typically resulting in explosions some 20 times or more powerful than modern nuclear weapons). In the Saturday universe, two opposing people or items must come into close proximity for irregularities to occur, again such as Zak Saturday and Monday.(This may be a result of the mirror's magical properties, as the mirror would be useless if it destroyed itself and its user). At this point, the laws of physics begin to break down, causing the environment around the two people or objects to warp and distort, and if the objects or people in question come into direct contact, they drag themselves and any immediate surroundings into oblivion. The warping of reality will occur even without the counterpart present if the amount of material is great enough, and will cause wide-scale chaos, as seen in "Paris is Melting".