  • Martian Series (HGD)/Seabed 6/Yellow Vampire Eel
  • Unlike the other eels in the stage, this enemy has the ability to fly. It fires a harmless yellow ball, often at long range, which leaves dangerous mine residue in its wake. This attack is reminiscent of the magician's Thunder Orb, except that it has vastly superior range. The ball's slow travelling speed means that the dodge strategy can be used with ease to avoid taking damage. The Yellow Vampire Eel has a shy AI, often flying away if characters get too close. As such, the lure strategy can aid in bringing this enemy down for melee characters to attack.
peak exp
  • 3000
peak lvl
  • 92
  • 1
  • Martian Series /Seabed 6/Yellow Vampire Eel
  • 102
  • 82
  • Yellow_Vampire_Eel.png
  • Unlike the other eels in the stage, this enemy has the ability to fly. It fires a harmless yellow ball, often at long range, which leaves dangerous mine residue in its wake. This attack is reminiscent of the magician's Thunder Orb, except that it has vastly superior range. The ball's slow travelling speed means that the dodge strategy can be used with ease to avoid taking damage. The Yellow Vampire Eel has a shy AI, often flying away if characters get too close. As such, the lure strategy can aid in bringing this enemy down for melee characters to attack.