  • Headshot
  • Headshot
  • Headshot
  • Headshot
  • Headshot
  • Headshot
  • Headshot was involved in a very public and committed romantic relationship with his fellow agent Amber Gold, though their relationship has apparently become strained, given her regular secret sexual dalliances with Brock Samson. During All This and Gargantua-2, it is heavily implied that Headshot accidentally shot and killed The Sovereign while the latter was escaping in eagle form. Whether this was actually the Sovereign or merely a normal eagle remains to be seen.
  • The following weapons can headshot in one way or another:
  • [[Tiedosto:3422074554_6a84886bbf6.jpg|thumb|345px|Niko ampuu Vladia Glock 22-pistoolilla päähän.]]Headshot on käsite Grand Theft Auto-sarjassa.
  • A headshot is a direct shot to the head dealing appoximately 400% of the weapon's base damage, usually resulting in an instant kill or massive damage to the target.
  • Deals Critical Hit Damage to one enemy.
  • Image:Headshot.png Image:Combonormal.png Image:Focusskill.png Image:Rangedattack.png Image:Spiritmagic.png Image:7sec.png Long Range * Deal heavy calculated damage. Calculated: Thoughtful attacks that have increased damage if the target has a lower concentration than the Skill User.
  • thumb|100px|Magazyn wiszący w kiosku Headshot – magazyn o broniach występujący w Grand Theft Auto IV. Z okładki możemy dowiedzieć się o dwóch artykułach znajdujących się w tej gazecie. Pierwszy dotyczy testowania nowej broni (XK90-500) widocznej na okładce, która swoim wyglądem przypomina Shotgun. Drugi artykuł wyjaśnia w jaki sposób zastrzelić niedźwiedzia grizzly. Magazyn można zauważyć w kioskach.
  • Verso alcuni individui l'headshot può non provocare la morte, a prescindere dall'oggetto usato e dalla violenza dell'impatto: questo perché alcune persone hanno il sistema nervoso localizzato nella zona pubica, è quindi necessario l'utilizzo di un'altra tecnica: il crotchshot.
  • Różne bronie, zadają różną wartość damage, co przedstawia poniższa lista:
  • This card Silence and Kill a monster now, meaning that the target cannot activate any effects (like Deathrattle) when destroyed. Soul Type: Justice Cost: 7 Effect: Silence and Kill a monster. Rarity: Purple (Epic)
  • Headshot (zwany też HS) – zjawisko występujące w grach FPS i TPS, polegające na strzale przeciwnikowi, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, w łeb ewentualnie w plecy. Headshot stosowany jest najczęściej i właściwie wyłącznie w celu rozrywki.
  • A headshot will instantly kill an unshielded opponent, but does not do any extra damage to shields. That is to say, a shielded opponent will take the same amount of damage no matter where they are shot. Shooting a shielded opponent in the head does exactly the same amount of damage as shooting them in the foot.
  • Not all bullet wounds to the head result in the termination of a zombie. Even a headshot to a human isn't necessarily fatal. In World War Z, Max Brooks describes the first military effort to contain the undead in New York City, at the battle of Yonkers. In one particular case, a soldier, aware of the lethal head shot hit the target but didn't manage to drop the zombie.
  • A headshot is a term that describes when a person is hit in the head with a projectile. With any projectile other than explosives and direct impact grenades, headshots generally deal more damage than shots to any other part of the body, usually resulting in high damage if not an instant kill. However, with some guns there is no advantage when shooting someone in the head. In addition, a headshot will deny the player the use of either Last Stand or Second Chance, and if a headshot is performed on a player in Last Stand/Second Chance earns an Execution bonus in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. With an explosive weapon, direct hits to any part of the body will instantly kill, therefore, aiming for the head is unnecessary. However, the
  • Instant
  • 13
  • 15.0
  • Energy
  • 30
  • 40
  • NATO
  • Alliances
  • Current
  • Prior
  • 125
  • Nova
  • 5
  • Damage
  • Headshot
  • Battle Sight Zero
  • Head Shred Redemption
  • Safety First
  • Activation
  • 誘導時間: 2 秒
  • 遠隔スキル
  • Headshot
  • Headshot
  • -
  • 3
  • OSI
First Published
  • To Be Released
  • Image:Headshot.png
  • 4
Recommended age
  • 18
  • ウルク・ブラックアロー
  • 4.0
  • Survive a shot to the head because you had the good sense to wear a helmet.
  • Fires a shot at the target's head that deals heavy damage. This only works against a vulnerable target.
  • Kill 250 enemy players with headshots.
  • Kill 5 enemy players with headshots in a single round.
  • あなたは狙いを定めて矢を発射します
  • 30
  • Snowy Villiage
  • Headshot
  • OSI agent
  • 714
  • Awful Show Press
  • 978
wikipage disambiguates
  • 30
  • Headshot was involved in a very public and committed romantic relationship with his fellow agent Amber Gold, though their relationship has apparently become strained, given her regular secret sexual dalliances with Brock Samson. During All This and Gargantua-2, it is heavily implied that Headshot accidentally shot and killed The Sovereign while the latter was escaping in eagle form. Whether this was actually the Sovereign or merely a normal eagle remains to be seen.
  • The following weapons can headshot in one way or another:
  • [[Tiedosto:3422074554_6a84886bbf6.jpg|thumb|345px|Niko ampuu Vladia Glock 22-pistoolilla päähän.]]Headshot on käsite Grand Theft Auto-sarjassa.
  • A headshot is a direct shot to the head dealing appoximately 400% of the weapon's base damage, usually resulting in an instant kill or massive damage to the target.
  • Not all bullet wounds to the head result in the termination of a zombie. Even a headshot to a human isn't necessarily fatal. In World War Z, Max Brooks describes the first military effort to contain the undead in New York City, at the battle of Yonkers. In one particular case, a soldier, aware of the lethal head shot hit the target but didn't manage to drop the zombie. To boost the lethality of headshots, The US developed the NATO 5.56 PIE cartridge, also known as the Cherry PIE round. This round ignited and combusted shortly after firing, and helped turn the tide against the Zombies at the Battle of Hope, and the continuing march to Hero City.
  • Deals Critical Hit Damage to one enemy.
  • Image:Headshot.png Image:Combonormal.png Image:Focusskill.png Image:Rangedattack.png Image:Spiritmagic.png Image:7sec.png Long Range * Deal heavy calculated damage. Calculated: Thoughtful attacks that have increased damage if the target has a lower concentration than the Skill User.
  • A headshot will instantly kill an unshielded opponent, but does not do any extra damage to shields. That is to say, a shielded opponent will take the same amount of damage no matter where they are shot. Shooting a shielded opponent in the head does exactly the same amount of damage as shooting them in the foot. The reason that Sniper Rifle and Beam Rifle headshots can instantly kill a shielded opponent is because Sniper and Beam Rifles do more than enough damage to drain an opponent's shields and cause slight damage to Health as well. If the shot hits the head, the "leftover" damage is inflicted on the newly unshielded opponent's head. Indeed, any damage inflicted upon an unshielded head will kill the victim immediately, provided that the damage was inflicted by a headshot-capable weapon. For example, in Halo 3, 12 bullets from a Battle Rifle does a total of 72 damage. A player has 70 shield points, so 3 and 2/3 of the shots (11 bullets total) are used for the shield and the remaining bullet does the fatal headshot. A sniper round does roughly 80 damage, 70 of which is used for the shield and 10 of which go for the body, which means a kill in the case of a headshot. In Halo: Reach, the damage system has been altered where damage applied on a shielded enemy would result in a headshot. In order to successfully produce a headshot, the player has to eliminate the enemy's shield, though the only exception to this would be the sniper rifle.
  • thumb|100px|Magazyn wiszący w kiosku Headshot – magazyn o broniach występujący w Grand Theft Auto IV. Z okładki możemy dowiedzieć się o dwóch artykułach znajdujących się w tej gazecie. Pierwszy dotyczy testowania nowej broni (XK90-500) widocznej na okładce, która swoim wyglądem przypomina Shotgun. Drugi artykuł wyjaśnia w jaki sposób zastrzelić niedźwiedzia grizzly. Magazyn można zauważyć w kioskach.
  • Verso alcuni individui l'headshot può non provocare la morte, a prescindere dall'oggetto usato e dalla violenza dell'impatto: questo perché alcune persone hanno il sistema nervoso localizzato nella zona pubica, è quindi necessario l'utilizzo di un'altra tecnica: il crotchshot.
  • Różne bronie, zadają różną wartość damage, co przedstawia poniższa lista:
  • This card Silence and Kill a monster now, meaning that the target cannot activate any effects (like Deathrattle) when destroyed. Soul Type: Justice Cost: 7 Effect: Silence and Kill a monster. Rarity: Purple (Epic)
  • A headshot is a term that describes when a person is hit in the head with a projectile. With any projectile other than explosives and direct impact grenades, headshots generally deal more damage than shots to any other part of the body, usually resulting in high damage if not an instant kill. However, with some guns there is no advantage when shooting someone in the head. In addition, a headshot will deny the player the use of either Last Stand or Second Chance, and if a headshot is performed on a player in Last Stand/Second Chance earns an Execution bonus in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. With an explosive weapon, direct hits to any part of the body will instantly kill, therefore, aiming for the head is unnecessary. However, the head is a difficult target to hit, requiring careful aim. The torso presents a larger target than the head, but deals less damage as a result. If a person is shot in the head, there will be blood splatter on a nearby wall. In multiplayer, headshots are shown by a special icon in the killfeed. Most of the time you can see blood coming out of the opposite side of the bullet entry and landing on a object. A sound of a bullet 'ping' can be heard immediately after a headshot is achieved in multiplayer in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare through Call of Duty: Black Ops III.
  • Headshot (zwany też HS) – zjawisko występujące w grach FPS i TPS, polegające na strzale przeciwnikowi, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, w łeb ewentualnie w plecy. Headshot stosowany jest najczęściej i właściwie wyłącznie w celu rozrywki.
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