  • Ratigan
  • Professor Padraic Ratigan is the arch-enemy of Basil of Baker Street and the main antagonist in Walt Disney's 1986 feature film The Great Mouse Detective. He is the story's version of Professor James Moriarty from Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, and serves as the adversary to the Sherlock Holmes counterpart Basil of Baker Street. He has cited the "Big Ben Caper" and the "Tower Bridge Job" as two of his most notorious criminal operations.
  • Ratigan was the main antagonist of The Great Mouse Detective, nuff said. Ratigan was faggot rat who liked the money and does not think in the feelings of others. He was also known for being one of the most wanted criminals in London. He had a pet called Edzilla and an elder brother (he hates) called Botticelli (who is more retarded than him). He was also the main villain of the War of the Squads Book 2: Rise of Weegee
  • Upon the suggestion of my new favorite suggester (he's such an eager beaver!) I have added Ratigan. Because of my ignorance on this fellow I think I'll yeild the floor to Monsieur Loneheart, who has proven himself time and time again to be the resident expert on seemingly-obscure British animation factoids. And now I'm going to pass the mic... Professor Ratigan is clearly inspired by Sherlock Holmes' archenemy, Professor Moriarty. However, unlike the sly and impersonal Moriarty, who only got one scene in the original Holmes stories and only met Holmes in the flesh twice, Ratigan is extravagant, extroverted and built like a battleship. He's got a huge inferiority complex because he's a rat instead of a mouse. Apparently rats are subject to some kind of class prejudice in Victorian mousedom
  • Professor Padraic Ratigan is the true leader of NIMH. He is a rat with mental illness who plotted to become the supreme ruler of The Hundred Acre Wood. Ratigan is also the main antagonist in The Dark Side of Nimh. * History Ratigan kidnapped Mrs. Brisby in spoonerville - until she was rescued by Jonathan. Years afterward - Ratigan went deep in the 100 Acre Wood along with his group of Henchmen. They invaded the forest and they got to the Stone Aged Castle where he becomes King. Ratigan schemed to destroy Thorn Valley.
  • Bad
  • To overthrow Queen Moustoria and become Supreme Ruler of all Mousedom
Row 4 info
  • To fuck whoever he wants
Row 7 title
  • Born:
Row 1 info
  • Bratigan
  • God of Stupidity
  • The Brat Rat
  • The Emperor of retardedness
  • The Napoleon of Crime
  • The Retarded Rat
  • Being called a rat, his minions' incompetence, his arch-enemy Basil of Baker Street, Fidget's stupidity, Basil interfering his plans, not getting his way, his evil plans foiled
Row 4 title
  • Goal:
Row 2 info
  • Gay
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  • 44
Row 1 title
  • AKA:
Row 5 info
  • Vincent Price
Row 2 title
  • Gender:
Row 6 title
  • Age:
Row 5 title
  • Voiced by:
Row 3 info
  • Dead
Row 3 title
  • Status:
Row 7 info
  • 1963-05-25
  • Professor James Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes series
  • The original character from the Basil of Baker Street book series by Eve Titus
  • Lionel Atwill in "Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon "
Box Title
  • Professor Padric Ratigan
  • Basil the Great Mouse Detective
  • Outwitting Basil, being evil, wealth, "tearful reunions", Basil's sailor disguise , his cat Felicia, getting his way
  • Slender gray rat, muscular, black combed hair, yellow eyes, thick black eyebrows, both rose nose and ear innards, shaven face, lavender circles, sharp fangs, human-like fingers, small feet, pink rat tail, slightly hunchbacked
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Highly sadistic, greedy, evil, merciless yet very formal , egotistical, disciplinary, manipulative, temperamental, charismatic, calm, calculating, devious, nasty, ruthless, despicable, short-tempered, argumentative, impatient, selfish, cruel, sarcastic, mad, angry, cunning, powerful, strong, eccentric, flamboyant, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, murderous
  • Ratigan
  • Falls off of Big Ben to his death.
  • 300
  • Napoleon of Crime
  • Sewer rat
  • World's Greatest Criminal Mind
  • World's Greatest Rat
  • Claws
  • Genius IQ
  • Great physical strength
  • Crime lord
  • Padraic Ratigan II
  • "I AM NOT A RAT!"
  • "I've won!"
  • "Ooooh, I love it when I'm nasty."
Date of Birth
  • 1963-05-25
  • Professor Padraic Ratigan is the arch-enemy of Basil of Baker Street and the main antagonist in Walt Disney's 1986 feature film The Great Mouse Detective. He is the story's version of Professor James Moriarty from Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, and serves as the adversary to the Sherlock Holmes counterpart Basil of Baker Street. He has cited the "Big Ben Caper" and the "Tower Bridge Job" as two of his most notorious criminal operations.
  • Upon the suggestion of my new favorite suggester (he's such an eager beaver!) I have added Ratigan. Because of my ignorance on this fellow I think I'll yeild the floor to Monsieur Loneheart, who has proven himself time and time again to be the resident expert on seemingly-obscure British animation factoids. And now I'm going to pass the mic... Professor Ratigan is clearly inspired by Sherlock Holmes' archenemy, Professor Moriarty. However, unlike the sly and impersonal Moriarty, who only got one scene in the original Holmes stories and only met Holmes in the flesh twice, Ratigan is extravagant, extroverted and built like a battleship. He's got a huge inferiority complex because he's a rat instead of a mouse. Apparently rats are subject to some kind of class prejudice in Victorian mousedom and the Professor has suffered under it at some time.... to the extent that when we first see him he interrupts his first big song and kills one of his henchmen for referring to him as "the world's greatest rat" instead of "the world's greatest mouse." Ratigan doesn't care for the gold and power he claims to seek half as much as he wants to prove himself smarter, braver and stronger than any of his so-called betters. To this end he kidnaps a toy maker named Flaversham and forces him to build a robot copy of the queen of all mousedom by threatening his daughter. Voiced by the late Vincent Price, Ratigan's sinister, velvet tones are at their best when he's gloating over the captured Basil, showing his need to prove himself better than his opponent. His extravagance shows itself when he announces Basil's fate: "I thought of so many ways to kill you I couldn't decide which one to use. So I decided to use them all..." And as for his arrogance... in a film where the hero didn't get to sing and the villain had two songs, Ratigan rushed off to fulfil his evil scheme and left his second song playing on a record player instead of singing it in person. The guy practically phones in his big number at his moment of triumph, like it's no big deal. Can you imagine another Disney villain with an ego big enough to do that? In the end, Ratigan defeats himself. His weakness was his quick temper, which leads him to act unwisely. He destroys his own robot after Basil causes it to insult him, and he falls from Big Ben when his fury causes him to forget that the clock is about to strike. Excellent once again, Loneheart! Oh, and he brought up a great question for suggester-wannabes... The answer to his question was "Yes." Oh, the question was "Will you accept Villains from movies?"
  • Ratigan was the main antagonist of The Great Mouse Detective, nuff said. Ratigan was faggot rat who liked the money and does not think in the feelings of others. He was also known for being one of the most wanted criminals in London. He had a pet called Edzilla and an elder brother (he hates) called Botticelli (who is more retarded than him). He was also the main villain of the War of the Squads Book 2: Rise of Weegee
  • Professor Padraic Ratigan is the true leader of NIMH. He is a rat with mental illness who plotted to become the supreme ruler of The Hundred Acre Wood. Ratigan is also the main antagonist in The Dark Side of Nimh. * History Ratigan kidnapped Mrs. Brisby in spoonerville - until she was rescued by Jonathan. Years afterward - Ratigan went deep in the 100 Acre Wood along with his group of Henchmen. They invaded the forest and they got to the Stone Aged Castle where he becomes King. Ratigan schemed to destroy Thorn Valley. Ratigan had thrown Captain Justin and the rats of Thorn Valley in prison. But However - Sheriff Woody and Elizabeth came and they battled with the Professor. Ratigan fought with Justin up on the roof tops and furiously tried to kill him. But Ratigan fell to his death in a ravine below. * Triva * Ratigan appeared in The Dark Side of N.I.M.H. (Nintendo DS) as the final boss * In Hidden Chronicles - Ratigan had an arch rival named Basil of Baker Street * Ratigan was voiced by Vincent Price in The Great Mouse Detective, and is later voiced by Brian Blessed in the 100 Acre Wood film series and the Video Game series * Ratigan returned in The Chronicles of Thorn Valley as the big bad in spirit form. He plotted to have his revenge on Mrs. Brisby. * His henchmen are Fidget the Bat Felicia the Cat Monstro Dragon the Cat Warren T. Rat Madame Mousey Gaston and Prince John. * His arch nemisis was Nicodemus.
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