  • Tell them you've had enough of this
  • From: [[]] Stand up to them. Threaten not to help them any more unless they offer you something concrete. A risky move, this. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'Fine. We've 'eard about you.'
Failure title
  • Crushing force
  • 113
Failure description
  • […]You refuse to[…] talk[…] to Esmeralda and Rose until the Unfinished Men tell you what's in the box. Jasper and Frank exchange glances, and Frank raises a titanic fist. That's all you remember. Your head's ringing, and all you can hear is [a song]…
From Card/Storylet title
  • Making Plans
Success description
  • […]'Orlright. Look. We don't want no trouble. The key, it's hidden away most of the time,' [one] continues[…] 'Yeah, it's only round 'er neck during the show,' says the other. 'Stones'll be generous with all of us if the rest stay none the wiser'…
  • Stand up to them. Threaten not to help them any more unless they offer you something concrete. A risky move, this.
Success summary
  • They are here cause they heard about you. So they tell you that the key is well hidden, but the princess wears it at her show. You're ready to make your move at the Sundays variety show
  • From: [[]] Stand up to them. Threaten not to help them any more unless they offer you something concrete. A risky move, this. [Find the rest of the story at ]