  • Angeline Fowl
  • Angeline Fowl
  • Angeline Fowl
  • Angeline Fowl on Artemis Fowl -kirjojen päähenkilön Artemis Fowl II:n sekä tämän pikkuveljien Mylesin ja Beckettin äiti. Hän on huolissaan vanhimman poikansa turvallisuudesta, ja toivoisi tämän kerrankin käyttäytyvän kuin normaali nuori.
  • Angeline Fowl ist die Mutter von Artemis und die Frau von Artemis Fowl dem 1. Nach den Unfall ihres Mannes und seinem vermeintlichen Tod lag sie 2 Jahre lang im Bett weil sie unter schweren Depressionen und auch Wahnvorstellungen litt. Sie war verrückt und konnte sich nicht um Artemis sorgen. Das war die Zeit als Artemis Zum Verbrecher wurde und auch nicht in die Schule musste. Doch nachdem sie auf Artemis Wunsch hin von Holly geheilt wurde war sie wieder normal und sie kann sich jetzt wieder um Artemis kümmern. AngelineFowl1.png|Angeline Fowl's Körper AngelineFowl2.png|Angeline Fowl's Gesicht
  • "Mum. I have waited so long to hear you say that. So long." -Angeline Fowl, The Time Paradox Angeline Fowl is a fictional character from the Artemis Fowl (series). She is the wife of Artemis Fowl l, and mother to Artemis Il, protagonist of the series, Beckett, and Myles Fowl. While she was suffering from her depression, she had an aversion to Juliet Butler, to Artemis calling her "Mother" and to light. At the end of the first book, Artemis Fowl ll gives half of the ransom gold from the fairies back to Captain Holly Short to pay for a wish that Holly would heal her back to sanity.
  • weiblich
  • Angeline Fowl
  • Oberirdische
  • Nainen
  • Menschen
  • The Atlantis Complex
  • lebend
  • Brown
  • Angeline Fowl
  • Angeline Fowl
  • Artemis Fowl
  • Human
  • 128
  • Female
  • AngelineFowl2.png
  • Artemis Fowl
  • Aikaparadoksi
  • Atlantiskompleksi
  • Ikuisuuskoodi
  • Kadonnut siirtokunta
  • Opalin kosto
  • Tehtävä pohjoisessa
  • Viimeinen vartija
Hiusten väri
  • Ruskea
  • Angeline Fowl on Artemis Fowl -kirjojen päähenkilön Artemis Fowl II:n sekä tämän pikkuveljien Mylesin ja Beckettin äiti. Hän on huolissaan vanhimman poikansa turvallisuudesta, ja toivoisi tämän kerrankin käyttäytyvän kuin normaali nuori.
  • "Mum. I have waited so long to hear you say that. So long." -Angeline Fowl, The Time Paradox Angeline Fowl is a fictional character from the Artemis Fowl (series). She is the wife of Artemis Fowl l, and mother to Artemis Il, protagonist of the series, Beckett, and Myles Fowl. After Artemis Fowl I disappeared, Angeline went into a depressed state, with the side effects of a person who had a sudden halt in narcotics usage. She is described as pretty in her normal state, although in the first book she is suffering from schizophrenia and apparent bipolar disorder, with hallucinations and delusions that caused her to think her husband's suit was actually her husband, that Artemis was her father, and dress up in her wedding dress believing it to be the day she was married. While she was suffering from her depression, she had an aversion to Juliet Butler, to Artemis calling her "Mother" and to light. At the end of the first book, Artemis Fowl ll gives half of the ransom gold from the fairies back to Captain Holly Short to pay for a wish that Holly would heal her back to sanity. In The Opal Deception, Artemis has changed drastically in his treatment of his mother. At the beginning of the series, he barely had a relationship with her, while at the beginning of the fourth book, he feels extreme guilt over lying to his mother in order to obtain a painting. Finally, in the sixth book, after witnessing her recovery, Artemis called her "Mum", a pronoun Angeline had urged him earlier in the series that he should adopt instead of the formal, distant "Mother". Angeline has made appearances, however short, in the first four Artemis Fowl books. (She is only vaguely referred to in The Lost Colony). While Artemis was stuck in Limbo towards the end of the fifth book, she gave birth to twins - Beckett and Myles. She was also told about the People by Butler, although it was revealed in Book 6 that she and Artemis Senior had been mesmerised by Artemis II to forget this. In the sixth book, Angeline contracted a fatal illness known as Spelltropy, forcing Artemis II to travel back in time to recover the last known cure: the brain fluid of a lemur Artemis had made extinct when he was 10. It is later revealed that she was possessed by Opal Koboi, who wanted the lemur to increase her powers. At the end of the book, Angeline learned of the existence of the People through Koboi's memories, and demanded that Artemis II tells her everything
  • Angeline Fowl ist die Mutter von Artemis und die Frau von Artemis Fowl dem 1. Nach den Unfall ihres Mannes und seinem vermeintlichen Tod lag sie 2 Jahre lang im Bett weil sie unter schweren Depressionen und auch Wahnvorstellungen litt. Sie war verrückt und konnte sich nicht um Artemis sorgen. Das war die Zeit als Artemis Zum Verbrecher wurde und auch nicht in die Schule musste. Doch nachdem sie auf Artemis Wunsch hin von Holly geheilt wurde war sie wieder normal und sie kann sich jetzt wieder um Artemis kümmern. AngelineFowl1.png|Angeline Fowl's Körper AngelineFowl2.png|Angeline Fowl's Gesicht
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