  • Shipping Forecast
  • The Shipping Forecast is a radio show broadcast by the BBC that was once voted the most popular show in Britain after the Queen's Christmas Message. It is a 5 or 10 minute radio show for those who like their nostalgia gift-wrapped in a souvenir shop and is a sad reminder when the British navy was so powerful it could name stretches of water unchallenged. Today the Shipping Forecast is issued daily by the Met Office, formerly known as the British Meteorological Office until they grew tired of fielding calls about meteor showers and climate change advocates.
  • The Shipping Forecast is a radio show broadcast by the BBC that was once voted the most popular show in Britain after the Queen's Christmas Message. It is a 5 or 10 minute radio show for those who like their nostalgia gift-wrapped in a souvenir shop and is a sad reminder when the British navy was so powerful it could name stretches of water unchallenged. Today the Shipping Forecast is issued daily by the Met Office, formerly known as the British Meteorological Office until they grew tired of fielding calls about meteor showers and climate change advocates. Recently in an attempt to raise money, the Met Office has offered sponsorship rights to areas at sea. This has lead to a change in the forecasts. So no longer will you hear this on your radio in a shipping forecast, first transmitted in 23 October 2002:- “Hurricane Warning:Forties, Fifties, the Over Sixties, Dogging, North Wisteria, South Wisteria. Outlook: Fair to Piddling.” ~ Popeye