  • Parti Pour Paix et Progress
  • The Parti Pour Paix et Progress, otherwise known as the PPPP, was a major party in the nation of Kanjor. It maintained an important and vocal position in the Sénat du Kanjor and was vital in constructing many of the nation's current laws. From periods of leadership to periods of resistance against those in power (even to the point of underground illegal activities), the PPPP reamined steadfast in its loyalty to its ideals and to the Kanjorans it represented.
  • The Parti Pour Paix et Progress, otherwise known as the PPPP, was a major party in the nation of Kanjor. It maintained an important and vocal position in the Sénat du Kanjor and was vital in constructing many of the nation's current laws. From periods of leadership to periods of resistance against those in power (even to the point of underground illegal activities), the PPPP reamined steadfast in its loyalty to its ideals and to the Kanjorans it represented. In 2604, the PPPP reestablished itself in the nation of Alduria, created by native Aldurians who were inspired by the radical ideas of the historic Kanjoran party. By 2618, the "Republic-Empire" of Alduria had been replaced with a new republic, and so the party's short-lived rebirth came to a close as its goals were completed.