  • Daeva
  • Daeva
  • Daeva
  • Daeva
  • Daeva
  • Deava to jeden z pięciu wampirzych klanów. Wampiry te zwykle w jakiś sposób przyciągają innych, czy to wyglądem zewnętrznym, czy to siłą osobowości. Jednak mimo pięknego wyglądu i demonstrowanych wysokich uczuć ich dusze toczy zepsucie – niezwykle trudno jest im opierać się pokusie Grzechu.thumb|300px|Prawie ludzki Daeva Dzięki Majesty, ich dyscyplinie klanowej, Daeva potrafią panować nad sercami śmiertelników i wampirów, co pomaga im w realizacji ich hedonistycznych zachcianek i pragnień. Daeva są niczym cienie istot, którymi się żywią, lecz nie przejmują uczuć. Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów
  • Daeva is the catch-all term for the three magical non-human species found in the afterlives of the Inferno, Firmament and Empyrea universes.
  • Daeva is a hero featured in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.
  • Daevas are Humans, either Elyos or Asmodian, who have achieved ascension through hardships or a twist of fate which awakens their potential to become Demi-Gods. The Daeva's powers comes from their ability to control Aether, which very few Humans are capable of (even most Humans who are able to control Aether do not achieve ascension).
  • The Clan of passionate and seductive Kindred, the Daeva represent everything that is physically desirable in mortal terms. Daeva Sires often look for childer who are charming, attractive and passionate, at least from their point of view. Nicknamed Succubi for their predatory charm and supernatural magnetism, the Daeva often toy with other's feelings to achieve whatever end they have in mind, mainly due to their unique Clan discipline, Majesty. The greatest downside of being a Daeva is the Clan Weakness, which coherces them to commit acts of deeply personal Vice whenever the chance arrive.
  • Gangrel + Mekhet + Nosferatu + Ventrue
  • A Daeva is an ancient demonic creature of shadow, a special type of demon, which can be summoned by other demons. Similar to hellhounds and unlike most demons, these demons do not need a host to attack humans.
  • The Demon Daeva, Dweia's other brother, Daeva unmakes that which Deiwos and Dweia no longer need. Davea hated all of creation, because both Light and Time brought him pain. He sits on his throne in the echoless voice, plotting his revenge. He holds a role similar to Dweia in that he gathered his group of champions. But where Dweia treats them as a family with love, he inspires his underlings with fear.
  • Daeva (daēuua, daāua, daēva) is the Avestan language term for a particular sort of supernatural entity with disagreeable characteristics. In the Gathas, the oldest texts of the Zoroastrian canon, the daevas are 'wrong gods' or 'false gods' or 'gods that are (to be) rejected'. This meaning is – subject to interpretation – perhaps also evident in the Old Persian 'daiva inscription' of the 5th century BCE. In the Younger Avesta, the daevas are noxious creatures that promote chaos and disorder. In later tradition and folklore, the dēws (Zoroastrian Middle Persian; New Persian divs) are personifications of every imaginable evil.
  • The Daeva casts powerful magic during battle. It normally casts Haste on its first turn.
  • Daevas are special type of demons. They are savage, animalistic creatures that can travel through shadows and rip human beings apart but they cannot manifest without shadows. They are totally invisible to human eye except for their shadows, which are humanoid. Daevas rank low in the hierarchy of Hell. They are compared to "demonic pitbulls," being used by other demons as invisible killers (akin to Hellhounds). However, it appears that demons (at least black-eyed demons) must first bind daevas using special spells, let the daevas attack them instead.
  • Daeva are masters of majesty, the vampiric discipline of lust and want. Their blood also favors the inhuman grace and power of the Disciplines of celerity and vigor .
  • The Daeva are a Kindred clan known for being emotional, sensual, and desirable. Predatory hedonists and sensualists, the Daeva are emotionally dying, hollow inside. They are slaves to their chosen vices. Daeva are masters of Majesty, the Discipline of seduction and persuasion. Daeva are often called Succubi. Daeva are very diverse as a clan - the only common thread is their consuming passions. Fierce brawlers and social butterflies are found there, as well as everything in between.
  • Daevas são espíritos malignos da Mitologia Persa. Todos os Daevas são invisíveis aos olhos, é possível ver apenas a sua sombra. Na Pérsia, os Daevas são considerados Deuses. Eles são seres que a partir das sombras se movem e caminham pelos mundos. A mitologia ao redor deles afirma que muitos são seres bestiais e animalescos, em seu rastro deixam sempre uma marca comum a essas entidades. Os Daevas, de acordo com a lenda, podem ser invocados a partir de uma conjuração demoníaca que requer grande habilidade espiritual para dominá-los. São demônios sombra Zoroatrianos; são selvagens e animalescos. Os Daevas precisam ser invocados para "atacarem" através de um ritual antigo e extremamente macabro, e isso é um trabalho muito arriscado ,pois tendem a "atacar" seu invocador. Ninguém conhece suas a
  • Detta är en ganska direkt översättning av sidorna 104-105 i White Wolfs grundbok till spelet - Vampire: the Requiem. Läs gärna originalet. Andra Besläktade avundas deras utseende och deras elegans, deras förmåga att med passion snärja de dödliga och den lätthet med vilken de rör sig bland andra. För en Daeva är denna avund nästan lika livgivande som blodet själv. Dessa Besläktade är mycket kompetenta rovdjur och skulle kunna tyckas vara de perfekta vampyrerna. Dock är de flesta alltför döda i själen för att uppskatta det.
  • 탐욕스러운 쾌락주의자와 감각주의자들의 클랜인 Daeva는 감정적으로는 죽어가고 있으며, 공허한 내면의 소유자들 입니다. 감정적으로, 그들은 자신들이 선택한 죄악의 노예들 입니다. Daeva들은 특별히 Celerity(초인적 속도), Vigor(초인적 힘), 그리고 Majesty(타인의 감정을 유혹하고, 동요시키고, 조종하는 능력)의 뱀파이어 비술을 부여 받았습니다. Daeva들은 이 능력으로 상대를 유혹하고 설득하는데 능하기 때문에, 이들은 종종 "몽마"라는 별칭으로 불립니다. 비록 Daeva들이 대게 나약한 무리들처럼 보일지라도, 이들은 Vigor와 Celerity 덕분에 극도로 위험한 전투원이 되기도 합니다. 이 변덕스러운 기질과 격하기 쉬운 천성의 조합 때문에, Daeva들을 다룰 때는 신중해야 합니다. Daeva들은 주로 Invictus나 Lancea Sanctum 입니다. Lancea Sanctum의 Deava들은 Covenant의 가장 열정적인 선동자이자 전위대가 되기도 합니다. 그러나 사실, Daeva 회원이 없는 Covenant는 없습니다. 그들의 변덕스러움을 반영하듯, 몽마들은 수시로 그들의 열정을 바꿔대기 때문 입니다.
  • 33
  • 1
  • 27
  • Shadow
  • Aggressive; Passive
  • -
EXP Awarded
  • 60
AP Awarded
  • 1
Blue Bullet
  • None
Rare Steal
  • Farplane Shadow
  • 102
  • 2
  • -
Common Steal
  • Farplane Shadow
Common Drop
  • Weak
Immune to
  • Death, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Stop, Doom, Multiple Damage
Rare Drop
  • Phoenix Down x2
Rare Bribe
  • Safety Bit
M. Def
  • 8
Powers and Abilities
  • Invisibility, super strength
  • Safety Bit
Gil Drop
  • 90
Resistant to
  • Eject , Zantetsu
  • 0
Gil Steal
  • 550
  • 4
  • -
  • Alive
  • Shadowy humanoid
  • -
  • Immune
  • Battles of Prince of Persia
  • 21
  • Might & Magic: Heroes VI
  • Daeva
  • Daeva Coin
  • 4480
  • A Daeva. It translates to "demon of darkness" -- Zoroastrian demons, and they're savage, animalistic, nasty attitudes -- kinda like demonic pit bulls. These daevas, they have to be summoned. Conjured. These suckers tend to bite the hand that feeds them...and the arm and the torsos.
  • Dēva
  • Daeva in Heroes VI and in Heroes Online
  • Symbol of the Daevas
  • Dependent on enemy
  • N/A
Coin Value
  • 9
Coin No.
  • 27
  • 35
  • This enemy does not Oversoul.
  • Magic; Sword; etc.
  • Quota x2
  • Daeva HO.png
  • File:Ffx2-coin27-daeva-front.gif
  • File:Ffx2-coin27-daeva-frontg.gif
  • デーヴァ
  • 0
  • 3230
  • Moderate; Very Heavy
  • Female
  • Unknown
  • Light
  • Deava to jeden z pięciu wampirzych klanów. Wampiry te zwykle w jakiś sposób przyciągają innych, czy to wyglądem zewnętrznym, czy to siłą osobowości. Jednak mimo pięknego wyglądu i demonstrowanych wysokich uczuć ich dusze toczy zepsucie – niezwykle trudno jest im opierać się pokusie Grzechu.thumb|300px|Prawie ludzki Daeva Dzięki Majesty, ich dyscyplinie klanowej, Daeva potrafią panować nad sercami śmiertelników i wampirów, co pomaga im w realizacji ich hedonistycznych zachcianek i pragnień. Daeva są niczym cienie istot, którymi się żywią, lecz nie przejmują uczuć. Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów
  • Daeva is the catch-all term for the three magical non-human species found in the afterlives of the Inferno, Firmament and Empyrea universes.
  • Daeva is a hero featured in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.
  • Detta är en ganska direkt översättning av sidorna 104-105 i White Wolfs grundbok till spelet - Vampire: the Requiem. Läs gärna originalet. Andra Besläktade avundas deras utseende och deras elegans, deras förmåga att med passion snärja de dödliga och den lätthet med vilken de rör sig bland andra. För en Daeva är denna avund nästan lika livgivande som blodet själv. Dessa Besläktade är mycket kompetenta rovdjur och skulle kunna tyckas vara de perfekta vampyrerna. Dock är de flesta alltför döda i själen för att uppskatta det. De kallas för Förförare av de andra klanerna och är experter på att få sina byten att komma till dem, att praktiskt taget få dem att ge upp sig själva, inte bara som mat, utan även som leksaker. Ingen Daeva med självrespekt skulle skaffa sig byte genom att överfalla en nattvandrare i en mörk gränd. De är snarare de Besläktade som följer med en ung dödlig till dennes hem för att på morgonen antingen lämna honom trött och sexuellt utmattad (om han har tur), eller som ett blodlöst lik (om han inte har det). Som de sensuella förförare de är skulle Daevorna nästan kunna charma bort det avstötande utseendet hos en Nosferatu. När andan faller på spelar de det politiska spelet som hade det varit en finstämd harpa. Till och med allierade och medkonspiratörer, vilka innerst inne vet att de inte kan lita på en Förförare, upptäcker snart sig själva med att göra just så, avväpnade av Daevans personliga dragningskraft. Att en Lorlei tillhör klanen är mer regel än undantag och hon använder den makten skoningslöst. En svidande kommentar från en Lorlei av klan Daeva kan förstöra en Besläktads rykte snabbare än en utskällning från stadens styre. De flesta Förförare är mycket sensuella varelser och dras till skönhet på samma sätt som till blod, men passionen är konstlad. Deras förmåga att känna samhörighet med andra förfaller genom åren då deras förståelse för äkta känslor förtvinar i takt med att dessa används som verktyg för att manipulera andra. Deras fasad till trots är de flesta Daeva lika döda i själen som i kroppen. De säger sig förstå sig på åtrå, men vad de verkligen känner är ett djuriskt behov. Dessa döende känslor orsakar mången gammal Daevas moraliska förfall, i dennes strävan efter att än en gång få känna något på riktigt. Förförarna rör sig i de sociala kretsar där deras lustfyllda natur bäst tjänar dem, vilket kan innebära såväl societeten som de lägre kretsarna. De dras till skönhet och ansamlingar av dödliga och besöker därför ofta teatrar, gallerier, nattklubbar, barer, bordeller och allting däremellan. Många fördomar till trots finns Förförare på alla nivåer i samhället. Deras natur hjälper dem att hitta villigt byte, var de än går. Denna fördel har låtit dem frodas och lett till att de tveklöst blivit en av de numerärt överlägsna klanerna. Ingen social klass skulle ensam kunna rymma dem alla och nykomlingar samt förlorare i politiska och sociala spel tvingas därför ofta omge sig med de hemlösa och smutsiga – eller åtminstone medelklassen. En Daeva gör ingen skillnad på de lägre klasserna – den enes blod är lika rött som den andres. Det finns få Besläktade lika desperata som en Daeva som försöker göra sig ett namn i sitt område. Erfarna Besläktade vet bättre än att försöka utnyttja en Daeva i en sådan situation, av rädsla för att hon en natt kommer uppnå den position och den makt hon söker. En Förförare glömmer aldrig en oförrätt.
  • Daevas are Humans, either Elyos or Asmodian, who have achieved ascension through hardships or a twist of fate which awakens their potential to become Demi-Gods. The Daeva's powers comes from their ability to control Aether, which very few Humans are capable of (even most Humans who are able to control Aether do not achieve ascension).
  • The Clan of passionate and seductive Kindred, the Daeva represent everything that is physically desirable in mortal terms. Daeva Sires often look for childer who are charming, attractive and passionate, at least from their point of view. Nicknamed Succubi for their predatory charm and supernatural magnetism, the Daeva often toy with other's feelings to achieve whatever end they have in mind, mainly due to their unique Clan discipline, Majesty. The greatest downside of being a Daeva is the Clan Weakness, which coherces them to commit acts of deeply personal Vice whenever the chance arrive.
  • Gangrel + Mekhet + Nosferatu + Ventrue
  • The Daeva are a Kindred clan known for being emotional, sensual, and desirable. Predatory hedonists and sensualists, the Daeva are emotionally dying, hollow inside. They are slaves to their chosen vices. Daeva are masters of Majesty, the Discipline of seduction and persuasion. Daeva are often called Succubi. Daeva are very diverse as a clan - the only common thread is their consuming passions. Fierce brawlers and social butterflies are found there, as well as everything in between. Although Daeva are often dismissed as effete, they possess the Disciplines of Vigor and Celerity, thus making them extremely capable in a fight. This, combined with their mercurial tempers and excitable natures make them Kindred with which to tread lightly. Daeva are most common in the Invictus or Lancea Sanctum, as the former often provides the luxuries that most of them become accustomed to. Daeva who belong to the Lancea Sanctum are often the Covenant's most impassioned firebrands and crusaders. However, there is no Covenant without Daeva members, reflecting their versatile membership - a Succubus can turn their passion to almost any cause. Daeva are found at all strata of a city's Court. This again is a side-effect of their social natures and martial capabilities. Often they prefer to take up positions that allow them to indulge their vices - Succubus Harpies, Keepers of Elysium and Sheriffs are common. The clan loves to surround themselves with mortals - to Daeva they are the pretty accessories, the running buffets and punch-bags that they exercise their tastes on. More importantly they serve as a mirror for the joys that, as vampires, the Daeva have lost.
  • A Daeva is an ancient demonic creature of shadow, a special type of demon, which can be summoned by other demons. Similar to hellhounds and unlike most demons, these demons do not need a host to attack humans.
  • 탐욕스러운 쾌락주의자와 감각주의자들의 클랜인 Daeva는 감정적으로는 죽어가고 있으며, 공허한 내면의 소유자들 입니다. 감정적으로, 그들은 자신들이 선택한 죄악의 노예들 입니다. Daeva들은 특별히 Celerity(초인적 속도), Vigor(초인적 힘), 그리고 Majesty(타인의 감정을 유혹하고, 동요시키고, 조종하는 능력)의 뱀파이어 비술을 부여 받았습니다. Daeva들은 이 능력으로 상대를 유혹하고 설득하는데 능하기 때문에, 이들은 종종 "몽마"라는 별칭으로 불립니다. 비록 Daeva들이 대게 나약한 무리들처럼 보일지라도, 이들은 Vigor와 Celerity 덕분에 극도로 위험한 전투원이 되기도 합니다. 이 변덕스러운 기질과 격하기 쉬운 천성의 조합 때문에, Daeva들을 다룰 때는 신중해야 합니다. Daeva들은 주로 Invictus나 Lancea Sanctum 입니다. Lancea Sanctum의 Deava들은 Covenant의 가장 열정적인 선동자이자 전위대가 되기도 합니다. 그러나 사실, Daeva 회원이 없는 Covenant는 없습니다. 그들의 변덕스러움을 반영하듯, 몽마들은 수시로 그들의 열정을 바꿔대기 때문 입니다. 그들의 사회적인 천성과 무용 덕분에, Daeva는 도시 Court의 모든 계층에서 발견 됩니다. 대게 그들은 자신들의 욕망을 마음껏 탐닉할 수 있는 위치를 선호 합니다. Harpies, Keepers of Elysium, Sheriff 중에서 많은 수는 몽마들 입니다. 클랜은 자신들이 모탈들에게 둘러싸여 있는 것을 좋아 합니다.-Daeva는 모탈들을 귀여운 악세사리이자, 뛰어다니는 뷔페이고, 심심풀이용 펀치-백으로 생각 합니다. 그러나 보다 중요하게는, 모탈들은 Daeva들이 뱀파이어로서 잃어버린 것을 반영하는 거울의 역할을 하기도 합니다.
  • The Demon Daeva, Dweia's other brother, Daeva unmakes that which Deiwos and Dweia no longer need. Davea hated all of creation, because both Light and Time brought him pain. He sits on his throne in the echoless voice, plotting his revenge. He holds a role similar to Dweia in that he gathered his group of champions. But where Dweia treats them as a family with love, he inspires his underlings with fear.
  • Daeva (daēuua, daāua, daēva) is the Avestan language term for a particular sort of supernatural entity with disagreeable characteristics. In the Gathas, the oldest texts of the Zoroastrian canon, the daevas are 'wrong gods' or 'false gods' or 'gods that are (to be) rejected'. This meaning is – subject to interpretation – perhaps also evident in the Old Persian 'daiva inscription' of the 5th century BCE. In the Younger Avesta, the daevas are noxious creatures that promote chaos and disorder. In later tradition and folklore, the dēws (Zoroastrian Middle Persian; New Persian divs) are personifications of every imaginable evil.
  • The Daeva casts powerful magic during battle. It normally casts Haste on its first turn.
  • Daevas are special type of demons. They are savage, animalistic creatures that can travel through shadows and rip human beings apart but they cannot manifest without shadows. They are totally invisible to human eye except for their shadows, which are humanoid. Daevas rank low in the hierarchy of Hell. They are compared to "demonic pitbulls," being used by other demons as invisible killers (akin to Hellhounds). However, it appears that demons (at least black-eyed demons) must first bind daevas using special spells, let the daevas attack them instead.
  • Daeva are masters of majesty, the vampiric discipline of lust and want. Their blood also favors the inhuman grace and power of the Disciplines of celerity and vigor .
  • Daevas são espíritos malignos da Mitologia Persa. Todos os Daevas são invisíveis aos olhos, é possível ver apenas a sua sombra. Na Pérsia, os Daevas são considerados Deuses. Eles são seres que a partir das sombras se movem e caminham pelos mundos. A mitologia ao redor deles afirma que muitos são seres bestiais e animalescos, em seu rastro deixam sempre uma marca comum a essas entidades. Os Daevas, de acordo com a lenda, podem ser invocados a partir de uma conjuração demoníaca que requer grande habilidade espiritual para dominá-los. São demônios sombra Zoroatrianos; são selvagens e animalescos. Os Daevas precisam ser invocados para "atacarem" através de um ritual antigo e extremamente macabro, e isso é um trabalho muito arriscado ,pois tendem a "atacar" seu invocador. Ninguém conhece suas aparências físicas, pois não são vistos á milênios. Não há como "extermina-los". Para o invocador perder o controle sobre eles, é preciso apenas destruir o altar do ritual e os Daevas se voltarão contra o seu invocador.
is Heroes of
is Species of
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