  • The Colony
  • The Colony
  • The Colony is a subterranean civilization located under London, England. It was founded by Sir Gabriel Martineau and the Styx back in the 1700s. People in The Colony are called Colonists.
  • The Colony is a three-rank mancala game for two players, which was designed in 2008 by Jeph Stahl (Canada). Players take the role of rival ant colonies that discover a recently cut wood pile and try to collect and protect the most eggs at the end of the game. The second edition was published in 2010 by Blue Panther.
  • The Colony is a mentioned-only location.
  • The Colony is a 2013 Canadian sci-fi/horror film directed by Jeff Renfroe, written by Renfroe, Svet Rouskov, Patrick Tarr, and Pascal Trottier, and starringstarring Laurence Fishburne, Bill Paxton, and Kevin Zegers. It is due for release in the United States on August 23, 2013.
  • The Colony is an NFG, though it is sometimes criticized, of the Star Wars Combine Galaxy. It consists of many players who all want to colonize the galaxy.
  • On the edge of a rocky streambed that ran through the middle of a nature preserve park, there dwelt a colony of meat ants. The Ants had lived in their anthill in the Streambed for longer than most of them could remember. It seemed a fairly safe place, for there were few other insects around and therefore no need to defend against other, hostile creatures (except of rare occasions, of course). The stream itself ran regularly, although it tended to flood during Autumn. The Anthill was strategically placed on the edge of the water, about three-fourths of the way to the other Bank. The Workers had dammed up the flow between themselves and the closest bank, so that the ground was dry and they could easily walk across and pick food.
  • The Colony ist ein Computerspiel von Mindscape für den Apple Macintosh, welches 1988 auf dem Markt kam. 1988 wurde es auch bereits auf (Intel) PC portiert, wobei der (wichtige) Sound allerdings auf der Strecke blieb. Bei der Portierung 1990 zum Amiga wurde Farbe hinzugefügt. Es war der erste 3D-Ego-Shooter auf dem Macintosh. Die Kategorisierung kann aber genauso gut „Adventure“ oder „Rollenspiel“ lauten. Das Spiel wurde von David Alan Smith, der sich hauptberuflich mit der Fernsteuerung von mobilen Robotern beschäftigte, allein realisiert.
  • Tau Ceti IV (a.ka. the Colony) is a planet in the Tau Ceti system. It was the first UESC extra-solar colony, which was colonized by the UESC Marathon before it was destroyed by the Pfhor in 2794. At it's height it housed about twenty-four thousand people. While the initial attack was eventually repulsed, three months after Durandal's departure from the system, the Pfhor returned in force to destroy the entire colony and the Marathon. It is here that they picked up the reanimated Tycho, who would end up working for a Pfhor captain.
  • The Colony is a stable based in CHIKARA. As their name suggests, their gimmick is that of ant colony, which is further reinforced with their names being based on particular ants (Fire Ant, Green Ant / Silver Ant, and Carpenter Ant) and classes within an ant colony (Soldier Ant ,the first and second Worker Ants).
  • *Old Republic era *New Jedi Order era
  • 6
Row 1 info
  • Intact
Row 2 info
  • Underground, beneath London
Row 1 title
  • Status
Row 2 title
  • Location
  • silver
Box Title
  • The Colony
  • Bill Paxton,
  • Kevin Zegers
  • Laurence Fishburne,
  • none
  • Aaron Marshall
  • 5580.0
  • Marie-Claude Poulin
  • Matthew Cervi,
  • Paul Barkin,
  • Pierre Even,
  • Kolonie
  • Canada
  • The Colony
  • settlement medium
  • Theatrical release poster
  • The Colony as shown in an interactive game that used to run on a Polish website.
  • 2006
Part of
  • Northern Columbia, Eastern, or New England Commonwealth
  • English
  • The Ant Hill
  • 275
  • #FFE93E
  • APierre Gill
  • 2.200000
  • Summary
  • A colony of meat ants is threatened by an approaching colony of fire ants. The meat ants know that the fight will not be easy, because of the Fire Ants' poison, but if they relent the Fire Ants will be able to take over the whole Park . However, an old Scout named Thatcher tells the protagonist, Ari, about a great Warrior, Aranen, who, according to legend, likewise hates the Fire Ants and will defend the Meat Ants if they were ever threatened. However, no one knows where Aranen lives, except for a mysterious set of instructions which Thatcher heard once from a Praying Mantis while on Scout duty: :''Across the Streambed, north through the Jungle and over the great Black Flats, travel light to find the Great Desert. In the midst of this terrible waste, you will find Aranen, who dwells in the dust. Simply tell him that The Admiral sent you, and he will come to your aid." Because Thatcher is so old, he cannot travel far anymore, so Ari takes it upon himself to find Aranen.
  • Jeff Danna
  • Alderaan
  • 20
  • 499.0
  • rgb
  • General
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
amg id
  • 579278
  • 1160996
  • コロニー
  • La Colonia
  • 2013-08-23
  • Fire Ant: 5 ft 7 in
  • Soldier Ant: 5 ft 8 in
  • 5.200000
  • 1.6E7
  • Jeff Renfroe,
  • Pascal Trottier
  • Patrick Tarr,
  • Svet Rouskov,
  • Jeff Renfroe
  • The Colony is a subterranean civilization located under London, England. It was founded by Sir Gabriel Martineau and the Styx back in the 1700s. People in The Colony are called Colonists.
  • The Colony is a three-rank mancala game for two players, which was designed in 2008 by Jeph Stahl (Canada). Players take the role of rival ant colonies that discover a recently cut wood pile and try to collect and protect the most eggs at the end of the game. The second edition was published in 2010 by Blue Panther.
  • The Colony is a stable based in CHIKARA. As their name suggests, their gimmick is that of ant colony, which is further reinforced with their names being based on particular ants (Fire Ant, Green Ant / Silver Ant, and Carpenter Ant) and classes within an ant colony (Soldier Ant ,the first and second Worker Ants). Originally debuting at the 2006 Tag World Grand Prix as a tag team consisting of Fire Ant and Soldier Ant, The Colony later grew to include a number of new members. Since debuting, The Colony has seen championship success in singles, tag team and trioscompetition. In Chikara, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant are one time Campeonatos de Parejas, Fire Ant is a one time Young Lions Cupwinner, Fire Ant and Soldier Ant were the winners of the 2008 Tag World Grand Prix, Carpenter Ant was the winner of the 2009Torneo Cibernetico and Fire Ant, Soldier Ant and Green Ant (now known as Silver Ant) were the winners of the 2011 King of Trios. In addition to Chikara, the group has seen success in other promotions, with Silver Ant (as Green Ant) being a one time Wrestling is Fun! (WiF!) 24/7 Champion, the second Worker Ant (as assailAnt) being a one time WiF! Banana Champion and Fire Ant being the winner of the 2014 Forza Lucha Cup.
  • The Colony is a mentioned-only location.
  • Tau Ceti IV (a.ka. the Colony) is a planet in the Tau Ceti system. It was the first UESC extra-solar colony, which was colonized by the UESC Marathon before it was destroyed by the Pfhor in 2794. At it's height it housed about twenty-four thousand people. It flourished for 27 years before the Pfhor attacked it with a scoutship, which was alerted to the human presence by the A.I. Durandal, who was becoming Rampant. Nine Mjolnir Mark IV Cyborgs were on the colony, having been smuggled onboard the UESC Marathon before the voyage to Tau Ceti, turning the tide in the battle for the Colony. While only one of them was aboard the Marathon which was orbiting the colony. While the initial attack was eventually repulsed, three months after Durandal's departure from the system, the Pfhor returned in force to destroy the entire colony and the Marathon. It is here that they picked up the reanimated Tycho, who would end up working for a Pfhor captain.
  • The Colony is a 2013 Canadian sci-fi/horror film directed by Jeff Renfroe, written by Renfroe, Svet Rouskov, Patrick Tarr, and Pascal Trottier, and starringstarring Laurence Fishburne, Bill Paxton, and Kevin Zegers. It is due for release in the United States on August 23, 2013.
  • The Colony ist ein Computerspiel von Mindscape für den Apple Macintosh, welches 1988 auf dem Markt kam. 1988 wurde es auch bereits auf (Intel) PC portiert, wobei der (wichtige) Sound allerdings auf der Strecke blieb. Bei der Portierung 1990 zum Amiga wurde Farbe hinzugefügt. Es war der erste 3D-Ego-Shooter auf dem Macintosh. Die Kategorisierung kann aber genauso gut „Adventure“ oder „Rollenspiel“ lauten. Das Spiel wurde von David Alan Smith, der sich hauptberuflich mit der Fernsteuerung von mobilen Robotern beschäftigte, allein realisiert. Die 3D-Darstellungen basieren auf einfachen Drahtgittermodellen mit ausgeblendeten verdeckter Kanten sowie Symbolen. Die Aliens sind durch aus pyramidischen Formen und Kreisen zusammengesetzt, Insektenkörpern nachvollzogen.
  • On the edge of a rocky streambed that ran through the middle of a nature preserve park, there dwelt a colony of meat ants. The Ants had lived in their anthill in the Streambed for longer than most of them could remember. It seemed a fairly safe place, for there were few other insects around and therefore no need to defend against other, hostile creatures (except of rare occasions, of course). The stream itself ran regularly, although it tended to flood during Autumn. The Anthill was strategically placed on the edge of the water, about three-fourths of the way to the other Bank. The Workers had dammed up the flow between themselves and the closest bank, so that the ground was dry and they could easily walk across and pick food. So the ants dwelled peacefully here, harvesting food from the plants on the side of the Streambed, digging tunnels and looking after the Queen. The Queen was very old, some speculated the oldest in the colony. She had lain at least a billion eggs by now, and she was wearing down slowly but surely. Her husband, the King, was rather young yet, because the Queen usually outlived those she married. At any rate, the two were still deciding who would succeed her as Queen. She had at least a billion children, and it would be quite a job deciding who would be the next Egglayer. Now amongst the Workers, there was a young ant, who had just a few weeks ago finished his metamorphosis into an adult. As soon as this was done, Mr. A, the head of the Working Class, had set him about going across the Streambed to the Bank to gather grain from the plants that grew there. Needless to say, he wasn't too fond of this job, because the grains were huge and very heavy, and he wasn't exactly the srongest ant in the Colony. However, he did as he was told, for the survival of the Colony was vital to his own. This ant was called "Number 1,595,678,900", because he was the one-billion, five hundred and ninety-fifth million, six hundred and seventy-eight thousand, nine hundredth ant to be hatched. This was not his real name, of course, but that was what Mr. A called him. His real name was Ari. Now on one particular day, which was sunny and rather hot, Ari was busy pulling a kernel off of a tall stalk, when he suddenly noticed a familiar buzzing sound. Looking up, he saw a thin, fast-moving cloud moving overhead, going downwards toward the Anthill. The Scouts had returned! The Scouts went patrolling the territories surrounding the streambed for any signs of hostile insects, or perhaps good food to bring home. Usually they brought back good news, saying that the creatures had been generally friendly and usually told of some great feast they had discovered. But today, the news wasn't good. As the Scouts landed outside the Anthill, Ari could tell that they were very restless about something. He watched the group for a few minutes, but then they went inside the Anthill, so he shrugged and continued to pick the grain. After it came loose, Ari lifted it using his proportional insect strength, and dropped it to the ground where a line of Workers was waiting. One of them caught the grain, and then the line moved forward to the next Worker, who would catch the next grain. And so it went, until suddenly Ari heard a loud voice shout, "Workers and Drones, please return to the Anthill immediately. There is to be an emergency meeting which you are all ordered to attend." This caused quite a commotion amongst the Ants, and many of them began to speculate what the meeting would be about. Nonetheless, they obediently stopped picking grains, and then proceeded to carry what they had back to the Anthill, in the center of the streambed.
  • The Colony is an NFG, though it is sometimes criticized, of the Star Wars Combine Galaxy. It consists of many players who all want to colonize the galaxy.
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