  • Neurotoxin
  • Neurotoxin
  • Neurotoxin is a song by sakuzyo. It was first released for the BMS of Fighters 2011 and later included in the 2012 LP Selentia. The first chart version was removed in April 2013, the same week it was being released, because it was considered to be far too similar to another one stepped by a different stepartist in a StepMania pack. A second version was released in April 2014. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • A neurotoxin was any form of chemical that affected a victim's nervous system and targeted neural components, oftentimes destroying them. The Dug King Sebolto's drug cartel added neurotoxins to the Bando Gora's death sticks, which made them more potent and addictive.
  • Like all Sand Scorpions, NEUROTOXIN was hand selected from the Sand-Vipers to be bio-mechanically enhanced.
  • Neurotoxins are substances that are poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue.
  • Neurotoxin is a specific type of toxin that affects nerve cells which usually results in paralysis or death. Some Neurotoxins stop depolarization and action potentials from occurring which causes damage to the nervous system. Neurotoxins also affect nervous tissue and can be found being used in venoms and as chemical weapons.
  • In 2151, a Klingon ship raided a Xarantine outpost and stole, among other things, Xarantine ale. The Xarantines, however, had bonded a carbon dioxide-based neurotoxin to a unique molecule of the ale. After the Klingons had consumed the ale, they became unconscious and would have died within one or two days, but Phlox developed an antidote. (ENT: "Sleeping Dogs") Trellium-D was a potent neurotoxin to the Vulcan nervous system. (ENT: "Impulse")
  • Als Neurotoxin oder Nervengift werden Gifte bezeichnet, welche ihre Wirkung speziell durch die Einwirkung auf das Nervensystem entfalten. Prinzipiell ist jede Droge, welche auf das Nervensystem einwirkt (neuroaktiv ist) und zu Vergiftungen, also schädlichen Wirkungen, führen kann, auch ein Neurotoxin. Dabei wird zunächst nicht unterschieden, ob der Schaden akut oder dauerhafter Natur ist, wie schwer der Schaden ist oder bei welcher Dosierung der Schaden auftritt. Entsprechend kann der Begriff recht beliebig werden und kann leicht zur unnötigen Dramatisierung der Gefahren von Drogen beitragen.
  • 2011-09-16
  • 2012-08-11
  • 1244
  • 1287
  • Command; Extreme Desert Operations
  • 1
  • 133.0
  • 130.0
  • 1958
  • 2169
  • Desert Tactics
  • 2013-04-20
  • 2014-04-19
  • Unknown
  • Dance 2
  • Disabled
  • Hostile Natives Of Th'irus
  • Selentia
  • Various
  • 180
  • 63
  • 64
  • Neurotoxin
  • [first version]
  • Star Wars Gamemaster Screen
  • Neurofunk
  • Unknown
  • 250
  • Unknown
  • 4
  • Unknown
  • Star Wars Gamemaster Screen
  • Captain
  • Neurotoxin is a song by sakuzyo. It was first released for the BMS of Fighters 2011 and later included in the 2012 LP Selentia. The first chart version was removed in April 2013, the same week it was being released, because it was considered to be far too similar to another one stepped by a different stepartist in a StepMania pack. A second version was released in April 2014. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • A neurotoxin was any form of chemical that affected a victim's nervous system and targeted neural components, oftentimes destroying them. The Dug King Sebolto's drug cartel added neurotoxins to the Bando Gora's death sticks, which made them more potent and addictive.
  • Like all Sand Scorpions, NEUROTOXIN was hand selected from the Sand-Vipers to be bio-mechanically enhanced.
  • In 2151, a Klingon ship raided a Xarantine outpost and stole, among other things, Xarantine ale. The Xarantines, however, had bonded a carbon dioxide-based neurotoxin to a unique molecule of the ale. After the Klingons had consumed the ale, they became unconscious and would have died within one or two days, but Phlox developed an antidote. (ENT: "Sleeping Dogs") In 2153, Doctor Phlox gave Captain Jonathan Archer a hypospray filled with a neural toxin and asked him to use it against Phlox when he turned into a cybernetic creature. This toxin would terminate his synaptic functions within seconds. (ENT: "Regeneration") Trellium-D was a potent neurotoxin to the Vulcan nervous system. (ENT: "Impulse") A substance produced by Xindi-Insectoid eggs was a mild neurotoxin to the Human nervous system. Jonathan Archer was contaminated with this neurotoxin in January 2154; in addition, this substance also subconsciously forced him to care for the eggs like a Xindi-Insectoid. (ENT: "Hatchery") In 2371, the Kazon used a nerve toxin to kill one of their own who was gravely injured while attempting to integrate a Federation replicator into a Kazon vessel. It was injected through the use of a needle projecting from a ring. (VOY: "State of Flux") In a hallucination caused by a non-corporeal lifeform in 2373, Kathryn Janeway saw The Doctor use a neural toxic gas to euthanize her after diagnosing her with the Phage. (VOY: "Coda")
  • Als Neurotoxin oder Nervengift werden Gifte bezeichnet, welche ihre Wirkung speziell durch die Einwirkung auf das Nervensystem entfalten. Prinzipiell ist jede Droge, welche auf das Nervensystem einwirkt (neuroaktiv ist) und zu Vergiftungen, also schädlichen Wirkungen, führen kann, auch ein Neurotoxin. Dabei wird zunächst nicht unterschieden, ob der Schaden akut oder dauerhafter Natur ist, wie schwer der Schaden ist oder bei welcher Dosierung der Schaden auftritt. Entsprechend kann der Begriff recht beliebig werden und kann leicht zur unnötigen Dramatisierung der Gefahren von Drogen beitragen. Man vermutet, dass viele Drogen aus biogener Quellen in ihrer ursprünglichen Funktion als Abwehr gegen Fressfeinde dienten. Beispiele hierfür sind etwa Coffein, Nicotin (Tabak) und Tetrodotoxin(Kugelfisch/Fugu). Kategorie:Begriffserklärung !
  • Neurotoxins are substances that are poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue.
  • Neurotoxin is a specific type of toxin that affects nerve cells which usually results in paralysis or death. Some Neurotoxins stop depolarization and action potentials from occurring which causes damage to the nervous system. Neurotoxins also affect nervous tissue and can be found being used in venoms and as chemical weapons.