  • Catch the beetle
  • From: [[]] It's as simple as reaching out your hand. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A talisman
  • it could go either way.
Failure title
  • A sting
Failure description
  • You catch the beetle between cupped hands. It feels hot against your skin. Really hot. You have to let it go. You look at your palm; the dratted thing has bitten you viciously. The bite is inflamed, and you are dizzy now...
From Card/Storylet title
  • A shining beetle
Success description
  • You catch the beetle between cupped hands. It settles immediately. It is much heavier than it looked. You open your hands slowly to peer inside. You are holding a jewel. It flashes in the sunlight and lights up the palms of your hands.
  • It's as simple as reaching out your hand.
  • From: [[]] It's as simple as reaching out your hand. [Find the rest of the story at ]