  • Lessek
  • The planet of Lessek (Ilojan transliteration: Lesek) was an otherwise uninhabited rasgălor (outworld) of the Cardassian Union that was home to a small planetside and orbital shipyard complex left over from the days of the Federation-Cardassian War. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order) Some areas of Lessek are known to possess mountains and a system of foothills radiating from the mountain ranges.
  • The planet of Lessek (Ilojan transliteration: Lesek) was an otherwise uninhabited rasgălor (outworld) of the Cardassian Union that was home to a small planetside and orbital shipyard complex left over from the days of the Federation-Cardassian War. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order) Some areas of Lessek are known to possess mountains and a system of foothills radiating from the mountain ranges.