  • Shaoyang University
  • This Site is Meant to Keep Teachers From Falling Prey to This School. I was worried about the cost of the visa. I was told to hurry up and just get a tourist visa. They wanted me to start right away. They would apply for a tourist visa asap. The ASAP turned out to be 90 days. They wanted me to put in 20,000 rmb's for a residence permit. Fortunately, I put my foot down on that one. I was told I would be reimbursed for the full cost of the visa. I was not.
  • This Site is Meant to Keep Teachers From Falling Prey to This School. I was worried about the cost of the visa. I was told to hurry up and just get a tourist visa. They wanted me to start right away. They would apply for a tourist visa asap. The ASAP turned out to be 90 days. They wanted me to put in 20,000 rmb's for a residence permit. Fortunately, I put my foot down on that one. I was told I would be reimbursed for the full cost of the visa. I was not. I know this should of been an obvious red flag, but I really wanted to teach accounting and other business courses. So I bought the ticket with my own money. The school wants you to buy the ticket so if they don't like you right away they are not out of pocket anything. (Of course that leaves you open for the 11 month weasel.)