  • Lanmaw family
  • The Lanmaw family was a family of nerf herders living on Alderaan. Sadvo Lanmaw and his wife Lania Lanmaw were both former members of the Jedi Order. They also had two twin children, Epin Lanmaw and Rena Lanmaw. They Lanmaw family made frequent deliveries to the Aldera Palace and became friends with the royal Organa family. In 7 BBY, the Organa family invited the Lanmaw family to dinner, as Epin and Princess Leia Organa had become friends.
  • The Lanmaw family was a family of nerf herders living on Alderaan. Sadvo Lanmaw and his wife Lania Lanmaw were both former members of the Jedi Order. They also had two twin children, Epin Lanmaw and Rena Lanmaw. They Lanmaw family made frequent deliveries to the Aldera Palace and became friends with the royal Organa family. In 7 BBY, the Organa family invited the Lanmaw family to dinner, as Epin and Princess Leia Organa had become friends.