  • Cartoon All Stars Sakura Adventure
  • Cartoon All Stars Sakura Adventure is a crossover comic which is created by Tong Kai Wei of Malaysia. It was drawn after he came back from a trip to Japan. The story comes from many cartoon shows at it shows various cartoon characters going to Japan. PLOT The book starts with Tom and Chuck the Yellow Bird in Phineas' backyard, feeling bored. The Blues use an air horn to tell them about their idea of going on but Foghorn Leghorn, Benjamin Stilton, Jewel, Bubbles and Matilda had to look after the eggs. To be coninued...... TRIVIA This is a reference from "Treasure Hunting in Japan" book. FEATURE FILM
  • Cartoon All Stars Sakura Adventure is a crossover comic which is created by Tong Kai Wei of Malaysia. It was drawn after he came back from a trip to Japan. The story comes from many cartoon shows at it shows various cartoon characters going to Japan. PLOT The book starts with Tom and Chuck the Yellow Bird in Phineas' backyard, feeling bored. The Blues use an air horn to tell them about their idea of going on but Foghorn Leghorn, Benjamin Stilton, Jewel, Bubbles and Matilda had to look after the eggs. At the airport, Daffy went late because he went to the toilet. But he had already joined the group. As they arrived at Japan, the Blue Birds start their own troublemaking antics until they bump into Yui Hirasawa. Perry went on a mission as Major Monogram tells him that Doofenshmirtz and his gang are up to no good again. When the Cartoon All Stars are visiting Sakuragaoka High School, Daffy did his embarassing attitude by spitting saliva on Azuza's face. Azuza gets mad at Daffy and chases after him with a mallet until she got him and dresses him as a maid. Meanwhile, Agent P is captured and kidnapped with Courage, Pedro, Nico, Archie, Upin, Ipin, Boboiboy and Top Cat. In the sushi restaurant, Geronimo, Sylvester, Scooby Doo and Garfield had been fooled by the Blues, causing themselves to mistake wasabi as cheese flavorings. The four victims were later felt spicy until E. B., Blu and Red throw buckets of water at them. To be coninued...... TRIVIA This is a reference from "Treasure Hunting in Japan" book. There are some famous Japanese pictures are hung on the wall of the restaurant. FEATURE FILM A movie will be released when the comic is done publishing. SONGS 1)Just Move it Like This 2)Auld Lang Sye 3)Tom and Jerry Theme Song 4)Love So Sweet 5)Red Red Wine 6)Everybody Dance Now 7)Polyrhythm The songs are combined with Japanese and American songs. The soundtracks will be released on Taiko no Taitsujin. CAST Vincent Martella as Phineas and Red Thomas Sangster as Ferb Dee Bradley Baker as Perry and Bomb Bird Billy West as Pleasant Goat, Woody Woodpecker, Tom and Chuck Christian Bale as Bomb, Mr. Kabuto ,King Pig and Katz Bret Iwan as Mickey Mouse Jeff Bergman as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck Frank welker as Garfield and Scooby Doo Joe Alaskey as Jerry and Sylvester Catherine Cavadini as Blossom, Blues Dan Povenmire as Big Big Wolf and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz Jim Cummings as Dick Dastardly and Buzz Buzzard Doug Larwence as Plankton Stephanie Sheh as Yui Hirasawa Jesse Elsenberg as Blu Brian Drummonds as Geronimo Stilton