  • Speak with little intention of changing matters
  • From: [[]] That you are speaking here at all is the important thing. Attempt to sound erudite and aware of current matters. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A prudent performance
Failure title
  • Good God, when will he stop?
  • 69
Failure description
  • You appear at the appointed time to speak. A functionary is still addressing the committee. A look at the schedule confirms that he has been speaking for four hours and shows no sign of stopping. Four of the committee are asleep […].
From Card/Storylet title
  • The notable citizen
Success description
  • You address the committee in a measured and sensible manner. […] Your plan for an extra Constable on Moloch Street receives due consideration. You are politely thanked and allowed to remain for subsequent deliberations, which are even interesting[…].
  • That you are speaking here at all is the important thing. Attempt to sound erudite and aware of current matters.
  • From: [[]] That you are speaking here at all is the important thing. Attempt to sound erudite and aware of current matters. [Find the rest of the story at ]