  • Jay Jay's Bad Dream/Christian Transcript
  • Note: This is the Christian dubbing of the following episode; certain lines are edited to make mentions to religious nature. All lines that are underlined re edited lines exclusive to this version. Narrator: It was a peaceful night in Tarrytown. (Dissolve to a shot of the moon in the distance...) Stars sparkled like diamonds on a black velvet sky. (...then to an overview of the kids' hangar.) All was quiet, until... Jay Jay: (snores loudly) Huh?...W-wha...? Jay Jay: What was that? Narrator: But Jay Jay couldn't go to sleep. Because of his bad dream, he stayed up—eyes wide open until morning.
  • Note: This is the Christian dubbing of the following episode; certain lines are edited to make mentions to religious nature. All lines that are underlined re edited lines exclusive to this version. Narrator: It was a peaceful night in Tarrytown. (Dissolve to a shot of the moon in the distance...) Stars sparkled like diamonds on a black velvet sky. (...then to an overview of the kids' hangar.) All was quiet, until... Jay Jay: (snores loudly) Huh?...W-wha...? Jay Jay: What was that? Jay Jay: Oh. I must've had a bad dream. (He taxis forward.) Or was it real? I don't see anything. (pauses) I never noticed before how dark it is in here! Narrator: You know, bad dreams can sometimes seem so real, and right now, Jay Jay needed a good friend nearby. Jay Jay: Now what am I gonna do? I'm wide awake! (pauses) Maybe I can sing myself back to sleep. Narrator: But Jay Jay couldn't go to sleep. Because of his bad dream, he stayed up—eyes wide open until morning. Jay Jay: Morning, Big Jake. Big Jake: Jay Jay: Big Jake: Jay Jay: Big Jake: Jay Jay: Narrator: That afternoon, as Tracy zoomed through the skies, trying to see how fast she could go... Tracy: Come on, Jay Jay! I'll race you to Lightning Bug Lake! (She flies upward.) Jay Jay: (tired) I'm right behind you, Tracy, but it won't be long before I'm in front. Herky: Hey, whaddya know? I'm faster-r-r than Jay Jay! Look! Jay Jay: Huh? (eyes open) W-w-what? Jay Jay: Great, you're the best! Follow the leader—that's me! Jay Jay: Sometimes I'm up, sometimes I'm down Sometimes I feel like I just can't get off the ground Just a little bit scared, just a little bit blue Just a little bit (Tracy and Herky fly up alongside.) Hey guys, I don't know what to do Tracy: When I am up, you might be down Herky: You need a lift, I'll be ar-r-round Tracy: No need to hide it if you're feeling blue Just let me know, I'll tell you what to do Herky: Ya pr-r-romise? Tracy: Go digadeezipzipzipdiggadoo That's S.O.S. for "me and you" Go digadeezip, and you know who Will zip to help you through Jay Jay: Sometimes I hide my feelings and just wing it But two of my friends can see I'm not the same (He flutters his wings for a moment on "wing it", smiling in turn; Herky sways swiftly back and forth.) Herky: Sometimes I know the song, but I can't sing it Half time feel But at least I know a sound that will br-r-ring my fr-r-riends around All: We go digadeezipzipzipdiggadoo Jay Jay: That's S.O.S. for "me and you" Tracy: Go digadeezip, and you know who Will zip to help you through Jay Jay: Me Tracy: Me Herky: Me All: Me All: We'll digadeezip, digadeezip Digadeezip to help you through Go digadeezip, digadeezipzip Digadeezipzipzipdiggadoo Narrator: Jay Jay was being the best leader ever, and following him was great fun. But even the best game ever can lose its charm if it's played past one's bedtime. Herky: Oh my, this game's r-r-really wear-r-ring me out. (Close-up of him, he yawns.) I can't keep my eyes open. (He groans; widen to frame the other two.) See ya, guys. (He exits.) Jay Jay: Herky, come back! Jay Jay: Big Jake: Oh, that's nothing but Mr. Pingrie's dog. Jay Jay: Really?
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