  • Kiss of the Betrayer
  • Kiss of the Betrayer is a Horde Side Roleplaying Guild on the Moon Guard US Server. It is a heavy roleplay guild, a dedicated church whose purpose is creating a safe-haven for followers of the Light throughout the Horde. Ranking is strictly roleplay-based. Positions in the church are as follows: Ishbaneer holds church services on a fairly regular basis, usually once a month. Services are free and open to the public. Any number of topics related to the Light may be discussed at these. Church meetings are usually directly following service and are for members and trusted friends only.
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  • The Banepaw Fellowship, the Church of the Holy Light
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  • Contacts
Row 1 info
  • Ishbaneer Schatten - Shepherd
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  • Affiliation
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  • Creating a safe place for Light followers in the Horde.
Row 6 info
  • Kiss of the Betrayer forum
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  • Leader
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  • Hearthglen, WPL
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  • Mission
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  • Website
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  • Base of operations
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  • Neutral/Lawful Good
Row 3 title
  • Alignment
Row 7 info
  • Ishbaneer or Trinea
Box Title
  • Kiss of the Betrayer
  • Kiss of the Betrayer is a Horde Side Roleplaying Guild on the Moon Guard US Server. It is a heavy roleplay guild, a dedicated church whose purpose is creating a safe-haven for followers of the Light throughout the Horde. Membership in Kiss of the Betrayer is exclusive. Anyone seeking membership must be either a Light-follower or a convert. Three people at this time have the responsibility of bringing people actively into the church, and any of them can be contacted for more information on the church itself or what membership therein entails: Ishbaneer Schatten, the church's founder, and Trinea Schatten, the church's missionary. Ranking is strictly roleplay-based. Positions in the church are as follows: * Initiate- a new member to the church or someone who is studying the practices and faith of the Light. New followers to the church can expect to be considered an Initiate for quite a while. * Follower- an Initiate may be upgraded to this rank when they show that they understand the church's mission or have otherwise proved their worth and trust to the head of the church. * Devoted- a Member may be promoted to this level of involvement when they have proved their faith and dedication to the church beyond a shadow of a doubt. * Missionary- this position is simply as it implies. Missionaries go out into the populace, seeking to spread hope and Light to the masses. This role was considered especially dangerous until recently, when the ban on Light-worship was lifted in areas under the control of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. * Shepherd- The exclusive title of Ishbaneer Schatten, founder and head of Kiss of the Betrayer. Guild chat is out of character. There is also both an in character chat channel and out of character networking channel for friends and members of the church. Philosophical and lore-related discussions are commonplace in any of the channels, though the IC channel is primarily used as a means of keeping in contact with one another. Kiss of the Betrayer has also recently aquired a new Ventrilo server and any number of discussions of various topics may take place therein, including the aforementioned. We also have a guild forum, which is one of the most active roleplaying forums seen just about anywhere. Along with these things, we have a tabard and have bought full bank tabs. Ishbaneer holds church services on a fairly regular basis, usually once a month. Services are free and open to the public. Any number of topics related to the Light may be discussed at these. Church meetings are usually directly following service and are for members and trusted friends only. Church members may also be seen almost anywhere, from missionaries spreading the Light through Tirisfal, to social gatherings in Mulgore and more.