  • Sorceress's Lair
  • >"Woooohoo!! Time to kick some Sorceress butt!" —Agent 9 The Sorceress' Lair is the hidden arena within the Sorceress' Castle at Midnight Mountain in Spyro: Year of the Dragon. In arena where you battle the Sorceress herself. You fight her at the end of the game, after collecting at least 100 eggs. It is a ring shape surrounded with red-hot lava, with balloons in the air that contain stationary cannons, trolley cannons (hover boards) and UFO flying saucers. The balloons are shot by Agent 9, causing them to pop, allowing the weapon to fall to the ground. You can then hop on it and use it to damage her. He will also occasionally shoot down sheep to heal you.
  • Sheep
world type
  • Sorceress's Lair
  • 1
  • >"Woooohoo!! Time to kick some Sorceress butt!" —Agent 9 The Sorceress' Lair is the hidden arena within the Sorceress' Castle at Midnight Mountain in Spyro: Year of the Dragon. In arena where you battle the Sorceress herself. You fight her at the end of the game, after collecting at least 100 eggs. It is a ring shape surrounded with red-hot lava, with balloons in the air that contain stationary cannons, trolley cannons (hover boards) and UFO flying saucers. The balloons are shot by Agent 9, causing them to pop, allowing the weapon to fall to the ground. You can then hop on it and use it to damage her. He will also occasionally shoot down sheep to heal you.