  • Tri'nagore
  • In full, his name is Tristangrascalaticrunagore. He is a god who was a former servant of the Jenoine. His physical appearance resembles Barlen, only darker and much, much larger. He has certain powers in witchcraft. In spite of his membership in the Lords of Judgment, he ordinarily held himself aloof from the other gods, experiencing mutual dislike. His reputation for human sacrifice extends particularly to his worshippers. Therefore, he never had a large number of followers.
  • In full, his name is Tristangrascalaticrunagore. He is a god who was a former servant of the Jenoine. His physical appearance resembles Barlen, only darker and much, much larger. He has certain powers in witchcraft. In spite of his membership in the Lords of Judgment, he ordinarily held himself aloof from the other gods, experiencing mutual dislike. His reputation for human sacrifice extends particularly to his worshippers. Therefore, he never had a large number of followers.