  • Citadel-Guevara Accord
  • While the legal document set forth the basic principles and tenets of the Republic, members were confederated under the Accord. Applicant worlds were required to review and agree to abide by the Accord and its related statutes. Articles within the Citadel-Guevara Accord described the method by which planets become members, the three types of membership, the rights and responsibilities of members, and the bodies of government and their respective powers.
  • While the legal document set forth the basic principles and tenets of the Republic, members were confederated under the Accord. Applicant worlds were required to review and agree to abide by the Accord and its related statutes. Articles within the Citadel-Guevara Accord described the method by which planets become members, the three types of membership, the rights and responsibilities of members, and the bodies of government and their respective powers. * Article 5 provides the First Minister the right to declare war against a "known enemy". * Article 11 proclaims a principle of free navigation. * Article 19 describes what planets may fall under the control of the Interstellar Republic, expressly forbids the assertion of power over any planet without a native population and allows any beings to settle such a planet without political affiliation.
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