  • Scar Thicket
  • Scar Thicket is a forbidding overgrown area deep in the Whisper Woods of Cheliax. Infrequently visited because of its evil reputation, this area remains a primal woodland and frequently features in hushed conversations and outlandish stories. Everything from monstrous insects, deformed beasts, and even enormous flying creatures are rumored to emerge from its depths.
  • Scar Thicket is a forbidding overgrown area deep in the Whisper Woods of Cheliax. Infrequently visited because of its evil reputation, this area remains a primal woodland and frequently features in hushed conversations and outlandish stories. Everything from monstrous insects, deformed beasts, and even enormous flying creatures are rumored to emerge from its depths. In reality, the central area is the home of great quantities of russet mold that are cultivated and managed by a large tribe of surface-dwelling vegepygmies. The entire Scar Thicket contains dozens of small caves that wind deeply in the earth and connect to the Midnight Jungle in Nar-Voth.