  • 396
  • 396
  • 396
  • El trescientos noventa y seis (396) es el número natural que sigue al 395 y precede al 397. Categoría:Números
  • 396 - The year 396 after the battle of Pondaron. Read on: Year before: 395 - Year after: 397 - Myra - History
  • The ghost of Jeremiah Collins has appeared to Angelique Bouchard at the Old House, refusing to obey her and return to his grave. He laughs maniacally as he advances on the screaming witch. Angelique cowers, terrified, as she begs Jeremiah to leave her alone. Finally his laughter stops, and Angelique finds that he has vanished. She calls out to Jeremiah, ordering him to never appear again. But Angelique shivers as she receives no response. At that moment, Barnabas Collins returns and senses that something has happened to his fiancée. She assures him that she is alright, but tells Barnabas she wishes to live someplace else after they are married. She claims she does not want to remain in a place with a history of unhappiness; Barnabas, however, can tell she is afraid. Ben Stokes interrupts,
  • Marian ist vollkommen damit überfordert, zwischen dem Leben Nadjas und des Babys zu entscheiden. Ben jedoch hat kein Verständnis dafür, dass Marian so lange zögert und hat Angst, seine Mutter zu verlieren. Bens Sorge ist nicht unberechtigt, denn Nadjas Zustand verschlechtert sich weiter. Simone Verdacht, zwischen Maximilian und Jenny könne etwas laufen, setzt Maximilian schwer unter Druck. Er kommt dennoch nicht gegen seine Gefühle für seine Halbschwester an. Als es zu einer erneuten Annäherung der beiden kommt, drohen sie erwischt zu werden. Annette ist durch Nadjas Situation erschüttert und sucht Trost bei Ingo, der aber mit einer unbedachten Äußerung Annette an einer gemeinsamen Zukunft zweifeln lässt. Zwischen den beiden kommt es zu einem heftigen Streit an dessen Ende Ingo ein schmerz
  • 396
  • 1967-12-26
  • 390
  • 1795
  • 1968-01-01
  • 396
  • Marian ist vollkommen damit überfordert, zwischen dem Leben Nadjas und des Babys zu entscheiden. Ben jedoch hat kein Verständnis dafür, dass Marian so lange zögert und hat Angst, seine Mutter zu verlieren. Bens Sorge ist nicht unberechtigt, denn Nadjas Zustand verschlechtert sich weiter. Simone Verdacht, zwischen Maximilian und Jenny könne etwas laufen, setzt Maximilian schwer unter Druck. Er kommt dennoch nicht gegen seine Gefühle für seine Halbschwester an. Als es zu einer erneuten Annäherung der beiden kommt, drohen sie erwischt zu werden. Annette ist durch Nadjas Situation erschüttert und sucht Trost bei Ingo, der aber mit einer unbedachten Äußerung Annette an einer gemeinsamen Zukunft zweifeln lässt. Zwischen den beiden kommt es zu einem heftigen Streit an dessen Ende Ingo ein schmerzliches und lang gehütetes Geheimnis preisgibt.
  • El trescientos noventa y seis (396) es el número natural que sigue al 395 y precede al 397. Categoría:Números
  • 396 - The year 396 after the battle of Pondaron. Read on: Year before: 395 - Year after: 397 - Myra - History
  • The ghost of Jeremiah Collins has appeared to Angelique Bouchard at the Old House, refusing to obey her and return to his grave. He laughs maniacally as he advances on the screaming witch. Angelique cowers, terrified, as she begs Jeremiah to leave her alone. Finally his laughter stops, and Angelique finds that he has vanished. She calls out to Jeremiah, ordering him to never appear again. But Angelique shivers as she receives no response. At that moment, Barnabas Collins returns and senses that something has happened to his fiancée. She assures him that she is alright, but tells Barnabas she wishes to live someplace else after they are married. She claims she does not want to remain in a place with a history of unhappiness; Barnabas, however, can tell she is afraid. Ben Stokes interrupts, and Angelique goes upstairs to dress for the wedding. Ben, taken aback by the news of Barnabas and Angelique's engagement, informs Barnabas that he caught Reverend Trask dangerously close to Victoria Winters' hiding place at the stables. Barnabas tells Ben to bring Victoria to the Old House and they will give her a safe place to hide. Ben worries about Angelique knowing about Victoria, but Barnabas insists that his soon-to-be-wife will be protective of the fugitive governess. Barnabas asks Ben to be his witness at the wedding ceremony. Honored by his master's gesture, Ben leaves to collect Victoria. Upstairs in the master bedroom, Angelique has changed into a beautiful white gown and happily prepares for her nuptials. But when she glances in a mirror, she recoils in horror at the sight of her dress torn and bloody. Ben returns with Victoria and brings her to Barnabas. She is tired and weak, having not eaten since yesterday. Ben goes to get her some food. Victoria relates having woken and hearing Trask searching the stables. Barnabas offers her shelter, and Victoria is grateful for his kindness. She admits to being surprised by how easily Barnabas trusts her despite not knowing who she really is and where she came from. Victoria decides to tell Barnabas the truth about herself, revealing that she has traveled through time. She explains about the séance in 1968 which somehow transported her to 1795. Barnabas, stunned, takes a moment to let this sink in. But he remains trustful of Victoria despite her fantastic story. Ben returns, and Victoria goes upstairs to her room. Alone with the former convict, Barnabas wonders aloud if Victoria might, in fact, be a witch. Ben fervently dismisses the notion, with Barnabas curious as to why he is so certain about her innocence. Ben, however, is powerless to divulge how he knows this. Barnabas goes to Angelique, only to find her frantically packing. She is desperate to leave, telling him she is frightened by a strange feeling of an evil presence pervading the house. When Barnabas turns to consider marrying Angelique in town, he finds her suitcase now empty sans Sarah Collins' doll and several pins. Rattled more than ever, Angelique insists on abandoning the house. But then Ben interrupts to inform them that the minister has arrived. Angelique decides to stay long enough to be married. Barnabas and Ben head back downstairs while Angelique tries to pull herself together. The moment she is alone, Jeremiah makes his presence known. Jeremiah, who cannot return to his grave thanks to Angelique having summoned him, desires revenge for having his rest stolen. He intends to show Angelique no mercy as he advances upon her. Barnabas apologizes to Reverend Bland, wondering what is keeping Angelique. Ben offers to check on her, but Barnabas is sure she will join them soon. Jeremiah, meanwhile, carries the unconscious bride to the cemetery and places her inside his open grave. She wakes as Jeremiah starts to bury her alive...
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