  • Missing Organs folder
  • The Missing Organs folder was first mentioned in the Lost Experience on June 22nd, when the OpenersHep Conversation between Rachel Blake and William Kilpatrick occurred. Rachel sent the zip folder to Kilpatrick, who seemed to then become interested in her cause after previously denouncing Rachel's claims against the Hanso Foundation.
  • The Missing Organs folder was first mentioned in the Lost Experience on June 22nd, when the OpenersHep Conversation between Rachel Blake and William Kilpatrick occurred. Rachel sent the zip folder to Kilpatrick, who seemed to then become interested in her cause after previously denouncing Rachel's claims against the Hanso Foundation. The folder was later released, providing evidence to suggest that the Hanso Foundation were illegally harvesting organs from dead patients at their clinics in the third world, possibly also using forged "do not resuscitate" documents. The organs were then supplied to other Hanso-funded facilities.