  • Gosalyn gets hit by a car (version 1)
  • Rick was in his garage practicing a song with his band, which consisted of Rick on vocals and guitar, Maggie on vocals and guitar, Ralph on bass, Maria on keyboard, and Marie on drums. As they were playing, Gosalyn Waddlemeyer showed up and Rick had the band stop. Gosalyn wanted to give Rick a tape that showed Laura confessing that she shot Rick. Gosalyn wanted to give Rick this evidence so that Rick could have Laura arrested and thrown in jail. But, before Gosalyn could give Rick the evidence, Lauren, Laura's daughter, arrived and confronted Gosalyn about what she was doing to her mother. Gosalyn became very upset. She ran out into the street and was hit by a car. Gosalyn became the victim of a hit-and-run accident. Gosalyn was taken to the hospital, where she had emergency surgery. After
  • Rick was in his garage practicing a song with his band, which consisted of Rick on vocals and guitar, Maggie on vocals and guitar, Ralph on bass, Maria on keyboard, and Marie on drums. As they were playing, Gosalyn Waddlemeyer showed up and Rick had the band stop. Gosalyn wanted to give Rick a tape that showed Laura confessing that she shot Rick. Gosalyn wanted to give Rick this evidence so that Rick could have Laura arrested and thrown in jail. But, before Gosalyn could give Rick the evidence, Lauren, Laura's daughter, arrived and confronted Gosalyn about what she was doing to her mother. Gosalyn became very upset. She ran out into the street and was hit by a car. Gosalyn became the victim of a hit-and-run accident. Gosalyn was taken to the hospital, where she had emergency surgery. After the surgery, Rick went to visit Gosalyn in order to share her findings. Unfortunately, Gosalyn suffered from a cardiac arrest due to complications from the surgery. A priest was called to administer last rites and, shortly thereafter, with her friends and her father Eric at her bedside, Gosalyn died from her injuries, unable to let Rick know that Laura shot him. Luckily, her brother Cody sang her a song and resurrected her to life. Everyone was happy. Gosalyn was alive and she kissed Cody for resurrecting her back to life.