  • Trinia Eltur
  • Trinia Eltur was a female Bajoran and a Bajoran Militia engineer about Deep Space 9. Trinia's father died while he was in a Cardassian labor camp during the Occupation of Bajor. In 2373, Trinia was attacked by a creature that boarded the station from Var Ulos' ship. Trinia's disappearance was discovered by Rom. (DS9 comics: "Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom", "Four Funerals and a Wedding")
  • Trinia Eltur was a female Bajoran and a Bajoran Militia engineer about Deep Space 9. Trinia's father died while he was in a Cardassian labor camp during the Occupation of Bajor. In 2373, Trinia was attacked by a creature that boarded the station from Var Ulos' ship. Trinia's disappearance was discovered by Rom. (DS9 comics: "Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom", "Four Funerals and a Wedding")